American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA)

The federal American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) provided relief funding to local governments during the COVID-19 pandemic. Criteria to spend these funds is outlined by the federal government.

Clackamas County received approximately $81.2 million, which must be dedicated by December 2024 and spent by December 2026. With these funds, Clackamas County is committed to supporting our community.

*The figures reflected below were last updated on March 21, 2024.

How the Funds Are Being Spent

How much has been committed?

100% of the $81,227,922 has been committed to county projects.

$81,227,922 committed

Where has the money been committed graph

What are the largest expenditures?

Largest infrastructure commitments

All Commitments

All commitments of ARPA funds allocated by the Board of County Commissioners can be found below, categorized by area of funding (as specified by the federal government). Note: Some figures may be slightly rounded. 


Focused on public health activities related to COVID-19. Clackamas County has committed $20,062,587 in this area:

  • Fairgrounds Multipurpose Facility, $4.8 million (10/5/22), (packetvideo)
  • COVID Emergency Operations Center staffing/activities, $4 million (First $3 million: packetvideo, remaining $1 million: packetvideo)
  • Behavioral Health Center Relocation, $2.85 million (packet, video) (packet, video)
  • Hotel/motel emergency sheltering program, $2,234,455 (packetvideo)
  • C-800 Communication Towers, $2 million (packetvideo)
  • Clackamas Fire District, $1,002,563 (packet, video)
  • Shared Housing Project (SB 1020), $1,002,563 (packet, video)
  • Temporary hotel shelter/Other warming shelter activities, $156,000 (packetvideo)
  • Veoic Emergency Tracking Software, $100,256 (packet, video)
  • Adult and Teen Challenge NW, $1,336,750 (packet, video)
  • PreventNet program, $200,000 (packet, video)
  • Molalla Adult Community Center, $200,000 (packet, video)
  • Children of Incarcerated Parents program, $180,000 (packet, video)

Focused on providing relief to local businesses, nonprofits, industries, workers, and other public sector entities. Clackamas County has committed $24,993,588 million in this area:


Restores lost funding Clackamas County experienced in delivering services. Clackamas County has invested $11,719,103 in this area. (All expenditures below: packetvideo

  • North Clackamas Parks and Recreation District, $3,263,443 (operations)
  • Tourism, $2,158,952 (staff recovery, projects)
  • Various services within the Department of Transportation and Development, $2,016,845 (e.g. planning, building, code enforcement, dog services)
  • Sheriff’s Office, $1,725,286 (maintenance, equipment)
  • Restaurant inspection licensing fees, $1,291,461
  • Clackamas Water Environment Services, $710,431 (capital accounts)
  • County parks, $249,378 (maintenance and repairs)
  • County Fair, $166,560 (maintenance, holding safe events)
  • Law Library, $108,798 (programming and services)
  • County library support, $27,949 (equipment leases, maintenance, supply costs)

Thus far, Clackamas County has committed $18,445,462 in this area:


Provided premium pay to workers who put themselves at the greatest risk early during the pandemic, as their jobs required of them. Clackamas County has committed $4,007,182 in this area, with no additional investments expected. (First $3 million: video, remaining $1,007,182: packet, video)


A total of $2 million was committed for ARPA funding administration. (packet, video)


Survey Results

Prior to commissioners allocating the vast majority of the first round of APRA funding, in May 2021, Clackamas County invited residents to take an unscientific survey to gauge how the community values different uses of the funds. Our community responded! More than 3,600 people took the survey, which was the second-most survey responses in county history. The survey results were just one of many resources county commissioners rely on when making decisions about how best to invest funds.

You can view the full survey results and analysis. Please note that respondents who failed to indicate they live in Clackamas County were filtered out of these results.