Nurse Home Visiting

Nurses and Community Health Workers partner with families to improve their health and assist with finding local resources to achieve their personal goals.

NHV is a service provided to Medicaid eligible families. Home visits occur in your home at no cost. Services can be offered in all languages. Participation is voluntary and confidential. These programs do not directly provide medical care. 

Referral form
If you have supporting documents or chart notes they can be emailed to or faxed to 503-655-8388.

Call 503-742-5358 or email with any questions.

Our Services

Mom and nurse discuss lactation issues

Babies First!

A nurse home visiting program for expecting parents and children ages birth to 5 years with medical and social risk factors. The nurse and/or community health worker come to the home and work with the family to identify and achieve personal health and wellness goals. As a team we conduct health assessments, provide health and safety education and connect participants with resources.  

This program may be a good fit for pregnant people, parents and caregivers who:

  • Are experiencing pregnancy complications
  • Have a mental health condition
  • Are experiencing or have experienced intimate partner violence
  • Are a race/ethnicity with established health inequities (includes refugees)
  • Don’t have resources to meet basic needs like shelter, food and utilities
  • Are living in inadequate or unsafe housing
  • Are 18 years old or younger or have not completed high school
  • Have a history of incarceration
  • Need additional support 

Girl with Down Syndrome being examined by a nurse


A care coordination and case management program for children and youth with special health care needs from birth to 21 years old. The home visitor comes to the home and assesses the family’s medical and social needs and partners with families and providers to ensure clients get recommended evaluation and community services to improve the overall quality of life for the child and family.

This program may be a good fit for children who:

  • Have (or are at risk for) a chronic physical, development, behavioral or emotional condition and
  • Require health and related services beyond what most children need
Nurse weighs baby


2051 Kaen Road, Suite 367, Oregon City, OR 97045

Office Hours:

Monday to Thursday
7 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Report a public health emergency or communicable disease 24 hours a day, seven days a week, at 503-655-8411.

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