Food Carts (Mobile Food Units)

All food carts (mobile food units) must be licensed by the Public Health Division. This includes carts, trailers, trucks, drive-through coffee stands and kiosks.

A Public Health plan review is required when you are:

  • Opening a new cart
  • Remodeling (adding, removing, changing or replacing plumbing, electrical or structural items)
  • Changing ownership (for carts out of service longer than six months)

Adding to or changing your menu needs to be approved by the Public Health Division and may require a plan review in some cases.

Contact Environmental Health at or 503-655-8384.

Plan Review Process

We recommend completing steps 1 and 2 before purchasing or building your cart so you can ensure your plans comply with local laws.

Step 1:
Review application packet and local laws 

Review the Public Health Division plan review packet and look into other local laws and regulations that may impact your design and operating plans, including:

Step 2:
Submit your application packet 

Once you complete your plans for your cart according to the plan review packet, it’s time to send it to us. If we don't receive all the required documents listed on the plan review packet checklist, your application could be delayed.

Your application should include:

  1. Mobile Food Unit Plan Review Application
  2. Commissary and/or Warehouse Agreement Form 
    • Oregon food rules require all carts to operate from a licensed commissary (commercial kitchen) or warehouse, unless approved by the Public Health Division. You must apply for a commissary and warehouse license and pay the license fee prior to scheduling the pre-opening inspection for your unit.  
    • If you wish to operate without a commissary or warehouse license, include a request instead of the agreement that includes answers to the following questions:
      • Are you planning to cater?
      • How will you keep food at proper hot and cold temperatures during storage and transit in your unit? 
      • Will you need to cool down hot foods after cooking or leftover hot food at the end of the day?
      • Are you washing fruits and vegetables?
      • Will you need to thaw frozen food (i.e. raw meat)?
      • Do you have enough space to store everything in the unit, including all food and extra stock of to-go packaging and utensils?  Many get cost savings by ordering in bulk but may only have room for a small amount in the unit.)
      • Do you have enough space to store dirty dishes and utensils and to air dry clean dishes and utensils after washing? 
      • Our team will consider the questions above in addition to your wastewater/freshwater design, handwashing, menu complexity, etc. to determine if you can be approved to operate without a commissary. 
  3. Restroom Usage Agreement Form
  4. Waste Water Disposal Agreement Form
  5. Plan review fee payment
  6. Warehouse and commissary fee payments 

The license application and fee are separate. You can pay this later, before the pre-opening inspection.

It may take up to 15 business days after we receive your final plan review payment to review your packet.

Once you receive our approval letter you can begin construction. If your plans are not approved, we’ll contact you to get additional information.

Step 3:
Complete license application and fee payment and schedule pre-opening inspection 

Once the plan review process and construction is complete:

  • Call or email us to schedule your pre-opening inspection
  • Use the plan review packet’s pre-opening checklist and plan approval letter to help get ready

Remember that:

  • You must submit your license application and fee before the inspection is scheduled 
  • We can only inspect food carts located in Clackamas County

What’s next?

If your food cart passes inspection, your Public Health Division mobile unit license will be approved. The inspection report will serve as a temporary license until you receive your official license in the mail. Post it inside your cart along with a copy of any other licenses (commissary, warehouse, fire permit, etc.) in plain view.

Renewing your License

Your license is good through the end of the calendar year. License fees for new food carts that start operating between Oct. 1 and Dec. 31 are prorated.

To renew, pay the license fee each year by Dec. 31, and include information on any updates:

  • food cart location or route 
  • contact information - phone number & email
  • restroom use 
  • commissary or warehouse(s)
  • fresh water source
  • waste water disposal

Mobile unit licenses do not transfer. If you purchase a food cart, you must apply for your own mobile unit license before taking over.

You’re required to tell us when your location or menu changes. Email us at or call us at 503-655-8384.


2051 Kaen Road, Suite 367, Oregon City, OR 97045

Office Hours:

Monday to Thursday
7 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Report a public health emergency or communicable disease 24 hours a day, seven days a week, at 503-655-8411.

183336, 107636, 109546, 106946, 127291, 108071, 138151
Public Services Building


2051 Kaen Road, Suite 367, Oregon City, OR 97045

Office Hours:

Monday to Thursday
7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.

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