
Clackamas County News


District Attorney

A Clackamas County grand jury has indicted Jason Lee Savage, age 53 of Estacada…

District Attorney

Clackamas County recorded five homicides during 2022. The homicides represent…

Community Involvement, Health Centers, Public Health

Clackamas County Commissioners are seeking interested residents to serve on…

Board of County Commissioners

Courthouse, tolling, state partnership, housing, mental health and addiction…

Water Environment Services
man and women working on stormwater repairs

Managing stormwater

District Attorney

The Honorable Michael Wetzel, Judge of the Clackamas County Circuit Court…

Community Involvement, Social Services, Sheriff, Veterans Services
Water Environment Services
Drone photo of Carli Creek

World Wetlands Day is a global awareness campaign celebrated every year on…

Board of County Commissioners, Clerk, Justice Court, Treasurer

Six officeholders were elected this past year.

District Attorney

William Nelson Barnes of Portland, Ore was sentenced to 15 years in state…

All County
Mount Hood

Needing some inspiration when it comes to setting resolutions for 2023? Your…
