Hearings Officer: Z0489-23-SL - May 23, 2024


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Webinar ID: 835 0530 4191
Phone: 253-215-8782

Applicant: Portland Leeds Living, LLC

Property Owner: Joe Koida Florist, Inc./Meiko Koida

Proposal: A 169-lot subdivision for future townhouses and one detached single family dwelling. The subject property is commonly known as the Joe Koida Florist, and contains approximately 19.55 acres of land historically engaged in nursey and agriculture production. The site is split in two general sectors: The north sector consists of tax lots 12E32BA00400 and 12E32AB04400, and is located between SE Monroe Street and SE King Street. The south sector consists of tax lot 12E32BA04900 and is located south of SE Monroe Street and west of SE 72nd Ave. The north sector will primarily take access off of SE Monroe Street and will include new public and private streets. In addition, lots 78-86 will take access off SE King Road, via a new private street. The south sector will take access off of SE Monroe Street and SE 72nd Ave. For lots 144-155, two access options are proposed: Option 1 calls for individual driveways for each townhouse onto SE 72nd Ave. Option 2 calls for an alley behind lots 144-155 and avoids individual driveways onto SE 72nd Ave. Public and private roads will have sidewalks for pedestrian connectivity including a dedicated pathway to SE Jack Road. Direct vehicular access between SE King Road and SE Monroe Street is not proposed, but a public pathway will connect the lower and upper part of development, providing a pedestrian connection. A planned bike lane is also proposed along Monroe Street and SE 72nd Ave. Lastly, four nonresidential tracts are proposed: Tracts “A” and “C” are reserved for stormwater facilities. Tracts “B” and “D” are open space tracts designed to protect hillsides and the large pond in the south sector of the subject property.

Applicable Zoning and Development Ordinance Criteria: Sections: 202, 315, 1001, 1002, 1003, 1006, 1007, 1012, 1017, 1105, and 1307
These criteria may be viewed online

Site Address and/or Location: 10750 SE 70TH AVE and 7290 SE KING RD

Assessor’s Map: T1S, R2E, Section 32BA, Tax Lot(s) 400 and 4900 , W.M.
T1S, R2E, Section 32AB, Tax Lot(s) 4400 , W.M.

Property Size: Approximately 19.55 acres

Zoning: Urban Low Density Residential: (R-7 and R-10)