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Webinar ID: 821 6408 0947
Phone: 253-215-8782
Applicant(s): Mann Construction, LLC
Property Owner(s): Enoh & Danielle L. Man and Cornel D. & Victoria Man
Proposal: Zone change from RRFF-5 (Rural Residential Farm Forest) to RA-2 (Rural Area Residential) and a 28- lot subdivision for future development of single-family dwellings.
Applicable Zoning and Development Ordinance Criteria: Comprehensive Plan, Zoning & Development Ordinance Sections 202, 316, 1001, 1002, 1003, 1006, 1007, 1015, 1105, 1202, 1307.
These criteria may be viewed online: ZDO | Comprehensive Plan
Oregon Administrative Rules and Statewide planning Goals 11, 12, and 14 are also applicable when determining whether a Goal Exception is required for the zone change.
Site Address and/or Location: 20750 S Beavercreek Rd; on the northeast corner of S Beavercreek Rd and S Wilson Rd, approximately 0.8 miles northwest of the unincorporated community of Beavercreek
Assessor’s Map: T3S, R2E, Section 15D, Tax Lot(s) 02200, W.M.
Property Size: Approx. 56.22 acres
Zoning: Rural Residential Farm Forest (RRFF-5)
Comprehensive Plan Designation: Rural (R)