Land Use Hearings

The five-member Board of County Commissioners holds legislative authority in issuing land use decisions which involve creation or revision of public policy. This includes amendments to the Clackamas County Comprehensive Plan and Zoning & Development Ordinance. The Board of County Commissioners holds public hearings prior to issuing decisions, at which time the recommendation from the Planning Commission is considered.

The Commissioners are encouraging the public to participate participate digitally  or in person at weekly Business Meetings.

All meetings start at 10 a.m. unless otherwise noted.
Board of County Commissioners Hearing Room
2051 Kaen Road, Oregon City map

Name of View

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

9:30 am
Allied Homes and Development (the “Applicant”) requests a 6.42-acre expansion of the City of Sandy’s urban growth boundary (UGB).
10:30 am
Z0546-19-HL contains a proposal to remove the Historic Landmark (HL) overlay on the property located at 17800 Springwater Road.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

9:30 am
Allied Homes and Development (the “Applicant”) requests a 6.42-acre expansion of the City of Sandy’s urban growth boundary (UGB).

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

9:30 am
The applicant is proposing (1) a Post-Acknowledgement Plan Amendment (PAPA) to the Clackamas County Comprehensive Plan (Plan) to designate approximately 99 acres of the proposed mining site, which includes eight taxlots and approximately 106.5 total acres, as a Goal 5 significant mineral and aggregate resource site in Chapter 3, Table III-2 of the Plan; (2) a zoning map amendment to apply a Mineral and Aggregate Overlay (MAO) to the site; (3) approval of a Mineral & Aggregate Overlay District Site Plan Review application for the proposed mining operations; and (4) a modification of conditions of approval in Planning file numbers Z0348-96-CP & Z0349-93-Z to allow processing on Saturdays.

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

9:30 am
Z0067-19-HL contains a proposal to remove the Historic Landmark (HL) overlay on the property located at 11315 S. Bremer Road. The structure on the subject site that was designated as having historic significance, the Califf Watertower (SHPO #1103) no longer exists on the property.

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

9:30 am
Planning files # Z0375-18-CP and Z0376-18-ZAP contain a proposed Comprehensive Plan Map Amendment from Low Density Residential (LDR) to Corridor Commercial (COR) with a corresponding Zone Change from Low Density Residential (R-5) to Corridor Commercial (CC) for a 10,000 square- foot parcel located at 8220 SE Cornwell Avenue. If approved, this amendment would enable Washman LLC to develop the subject property in conjunction with neighboring properties (already zoned CC) with a car wash facility.

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

1:30 am
ZDO-271 proposes legislative text amendments to the Clackamas County Zoning and Development Ordinance (ZDO) in order to limit the number of licensed premises for recreational marijuana production, and the number of registered grow sites for medical marijuana production, on property zoned Ag/Forest (AG/F), Exclusive Farm Use (EFU) or Timber (TBR). It also proposes certain non-substantive text amendments to clarify current marijuana-related land use regulations.

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

1:30 am
ZDO-271 proposes legislative text amendments to the Clackamas County Zoning and Development Ordinance (ZDO) in order to limit the number of licensed premises for recreational marijuana production, and the number of registered grow sites for medical marijuana production, on property zoned Ag/Forest (AG/F), Exclusive Farm Use (EFU) or Timber (TBR). It also proposes certain non-substantive text amendments to clarify current marijuana-related land use regulations.

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

1:30 am
ZDO-275 proposes legislative text amendments to Section 703 of the Clackamas County Zoning and Development Ordinance (ZDO) to adopt new floodplain maps for the Sandy River Basin, produced by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), and to amend the standards that apply to new development in the 1-percent annual chance floodplain (i.e., the 100-year floodplain) countywide.

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

9:30 am
ZDO-270 proposes three amendments to the Figures, Maps and Tables associated with the Clackamas County Comprehensive Plan, Chapter 5, Transportation System Plan. There are no text changes to the Comprehensive Plan or the Zoning Development Ordinance proposed. The changes to these Figures, Maps and Tables are necessary to maintain consistency between the Comprehensive Plan and current county practice, but none of the changes represent a substantive policy change.

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

9:30 am
The proposal is a legislative text amendment to the Clackamas County Zoning and Development Ordinance (ZDO) to implement Phase 5 of the Zoning and Development Ordinance Audit.

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

9:30 am
The proposal is for legislative text amendments to the Clackamas County Comprehensive Plan and to the Zoning and Development Ordinance (ZDO) in order to expand opportunities for accessory dwelling units (ADUs) and to newly permit accessory historic dwellings in specific areas.


2051 Kaen Road Oregon City, OR 97045

Office Hours:

Monday to Thursday
7 a.m. to 6 p.m.

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