Board of County Commissioners' Business Meeting

Beginning Board Order No. 2014-72


  • Roll Call
  • Pledge of Allegiance

I. CITIZEN COMMUNICATION (The Chair of the Board will call for statements from citizens regarding issues relating to County government. It is the intention that this portion of the agenda shall be limited to items of County business which are properly the object of Board consideration and may not be of a personal nature. Persons wishing to speak shall be allowed to do so after registering on the blue card provided on the table outside of the hearing room prior to the beginning of the meeting. Testimony is limited to three (3) minutes. Comments shall be respectful and courteous to all.)

II. PUBLIC HEARINGS (The following items will be individually presented by County staff or other appropriate individuals. Persons appearing shall clearly identify themselves and the organization they represent. In addition, a synopsis of each item, together with a brief statement of the action being requested shall be made by those appearing on behalf of an agenda item.)

1. Board Order No. _____ for Boundary Change Proposal No. CL 14-001 for Clackamas County Tri-City Service District (Chris Storey, County Counsel & Ken Martin, Boundary Change Consultant)

2. Board Order No. _____ for Boundary Change Proposal No. CL 14-002 for Clackamas County Service District No. 1 (Chris Storey, County Counsel & Ken Martin, Boundary Change Consultant)

III. DISCUSSION ITEMS(The following items will be individually presented by County staff or other appropriate individuals. Citizens who want to comment on a discussion item may do so when called on by the Chair.)


IV. CONSENT AGENDA(The following Items are considered to be routine, and therefore will not be allotted individual discussion time on the agenda. Many of these items have been discussed by the Board in Study Session. The items on the Consent Agenda will be approved in one motion unless a Board member requests, before the vote on the motion, to have an item considered at its regular place on the agenda.)

A. Health, Housing & Human Services

1. Approval of a Change Order No. 3 with Housing & Community Development and JWC, LLC for the River Road Head Start - Kitchen Remodel Project - Housing & Community Development

2. Approval of an Intergovernmental Agreement between the Department of Health, Housing and Human Services and the City of West Linn for the West Linn Senior Center Expansion Addition Project – Housing & Community Development

3. Approval of a Revenue Intergovernmental Agreement with the Workforce Investment Council of Clackamas County for Specialized Work Force Services – Community Solutions

4. Approval of an Intergovernmental Subrecipient Agreement with City of Oregon City/Pioneer Community Center to Provide Social Services for Clackamas County Residents age 60 and over – Social Services

5. Approval of an Agency Service Contract with Cascadia Behavioral Healthcare for Outpatient Mental Health Services and Outpatient Substance Abuse Services Behavioral Health

6. Approval of an Agency Service Contract with Cascadia Behavioral Healthcare for Intensive Case Management and Outpatient Mental Health Services - Behavioral Health

7. Approval of an Agency Service Contract with Catholic Community Services of Western Washington Home-Based Stabilization Services/Child Level D and Outpatient Mental Health Services – Behavioral Health

8. Approval of an Agency Service Contract with ColumbiaCare Services, Inc. for Supported Housing Services - Behavioral Health

9. Approval of an Agency Service Agreement with Lake Oswego Counseling Center for Outpatient Mental Health Services - Behavioral Health

10. Approval of an Agency Service Contract with Trillium Family Services for Home-Based Stabilization Services/Child Level D and Outpatient Mental Health Services - Behavioral Health

11. Approval of an Agency Service Agreement with Trillium Family Services for Psychiatric Day Treatment Services for Children, Psychiatric Residential Treatment Services and Sub-Acute Psychiatric Services for Children - Behavioral Health

12. Approval of Professional Services Agreement with Cascadia Behavioral Healthcare for Peer Support Services at Villebois Housing Sites - Behavioral Health

B. Department of Transportation & Development

1. Approval of Amendment No. 1 to the Local Agency Agreement No. 29634 with Oregon Department of Transportation for the Sunnyside Road Adaptive Signal System Project

2. Approval of an Intergovernmental Agreement with Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife for a Fish and Wildlife Biologist Liaison for Technical Assistance for Capital Improvement and Road Maintenance Programs

C. Finance Department

1. Approval of Amendment No. 4 and Renewal No. 2 to the Contract Documents with Earthworks Landscape Service, Inc. for Landscape Maintenance Services for Clackamas County Facilities

D. Elected Officials

1. Approval of Previous Business Meeting Minutes – BCC

E. Department of Emergency Management

1. Approval of FY 2012 Urban Area Security Initiative Intergovernmental Agreement Amendment No. 1 between Clackamas County and the City of Portland

F. Department of Employee Services

1. Board Order No. _____ Approval of the Clackamas County Sheriff's Office Independent Retiree Medical Trust Fund


1. Board Order No. _____ Authorizing North Clackamas Parks and Recreation District to Apply for Oregon Parks and Recreation Department Recreational Trails Program Grant for Sunnyside Village Trail


1. Approval of Amendment No. 2 to the Ground Lease Agreement between Clackamas County Development Agency and Oregon Iron Works, Inc. for the Laydown Yard and Streetcar Facility Agreement



NOTE: Regularly scheduled Business Meetings are televised and broadcast on the Clackamas County Government Channel. These programs are also accessible through the County's Internet site. DVD copies of regularly scheduled BCC Thursday Business Meetings are available for checkout at the Clackamas County Library in Oak Grove by the following Saturday. You may also order copies from any library in Clackamas County or the Clackamas County Government Channel.