Procurement Process, Contracts and Grants

How does Clackamas County select organizations and service providers?

Thank you for your interest in doing business with Clackamas County. Here, you will be able to review all available grant and contract opportunities with Clackamas County, RFPs and RFQs, and download the needed paperwork and instructions for submitting applications and proposals. 

You will also be able to learn about our policies and procedures, and Oregon ethical standards Clackamas County adheres to in order to ensure fairness and unbiased evaluation during review of grants or proposals.    

We encourage emerging — as well as women, minority, and veteran-owned — businesses to respond to our openings.  We want to support you!  County staff is always available to help or answer your questions.  Our contact information is located on the screen and on our new webpage, along with comprehensive information.  We look forward to working with you!

Getting Started: Procurement Basics

If you are new to the county procurement process, it may seem overwhelming to try to navigate different departments and find the correct procedures to follow. 

Here you will find information and helpful links for new vendors to review before beginning a business relationship with us. The county enters into hundreds of contracts every year with a variety of suppliers.  You will be able to learn how departments, partners and vendors collaborate to provide goods and services for our residents. 

You likely have questions, and don’t want to make mistakes or provide us the wrong information.   That’s why we have created a place on the County website that will lead you to answers you need!


Procurement is the process of purchasing goods or services. County departments require a variety of contractors and vendors to fulfill our service obligations to residents.

There are several steps involved in the procurement process:

  • Identifying the programmatic need within the department
  • Choosing the goods and services to fulfill that need
  • Purchase request and/or request quotes from vendors/suppliers
  • Execute a contract for the goods or services being purchased

Competitive bidding generally involves the county requesting proposals or quotes for the goods or services the County department is seeking.  Competitive bidding is not always required, and there are numerous exceptions to when the county has to competitively bid for goods and services. In very general terms, procurements over certain dollar thresholds will be competitively bid. Applicable Oregon statutes, and our Local Contract Review Board Rules (LCRB), will govern the procurement process that may be used.

In general, the competitive bidding process involves the following steps:

  • Publication of the Solicitation
  • Evaluation of responses and selection
  • Awarding a contract

The competitive bidding processes typically falls into one of the following categories:

  • Request for Quote (RFQ)
  • Request for Proposal (RFP)
  • Invitation to Bid (ITB)

Request for Quote (RFQ) is a process we use to collect price quotes for the opportunity to fulfill certain tasks or projects.

RFQs generally ask for a quote for a specific project, where the details and outcome are clearly described within the published RFQ package. The selection award criteria will be identified within the package and may be based on lower dollar price comparison for goods and services, or it may be based on more subjective factors for professional services.  The county will generally award the contract to the vendor that meets the minimum qualifying criteria and submits the lowest cost.

When the county receives a quote in response to an RFQ, the chosen vendor will be notified of the terms and conditions of the work.  When a vendor accepts and signs the contract, the contractual partnership begins.


A request for proposal (RFP) is a document solicitation that requests proposals for delivery of goods or services. The request for proposal will generally outline a contractor’s anticipated duties, set expectations, and describe additional terms or conditions that may apply to the procurement. Often the RFP process will be used for personal and professional services needed within the county.

RFPs are evaluated on a number of criteria, not just the cost. For example, we may evaluate the financial health of the proposing vendors, the proposing vendor’s ability to undertake the project, and the proposing vendors’ experience with similar projects. The evaluation criteria is unique and specific to each advertised RFP and will be clearly defined within the solicitation package.


An Invitation to Bid (ITB) is a selection process primarily used for public improvement or construction projects. Similar to the basic structure of an RFQ, the ITB will have very specific project requirements and will have a prescribed bidding schedule identifying the unit costs of the project. The sum of the unit costs equal the lowest price presented by the bidder. Similar to the RFQ, the ITB is usually awarded on low price. 

 closing date
Clackamas County Tourism (Oregon's Mt. Hood Territory)1/30/25
Non-Opioid Pain Management Services1/23/25

Business Development Grant (Office of Economic Development)

Oct. 31, 2024
Strategic Investment Program10/9/24

Clackamas County Healthy Retail Grant


Opioid Settlement Community Grants

Extreme Weather and Smoke Center Sites and Services1/26/24
A&D Peer Support Services11/1/23   
Alcohol & Drug (A&D) Housing Assistance Program10/25/23   

Supporting Services Resource Center

  • published 9/5/23

Clackamas Parenting Together Small Grants


Jennings Lodge Camp Meeting Site


Tobacco Prevention Grants (Washington and Clackamas Counties)


Justice Reinvestment Program victim services grants


Emergency Food & Shelter Program – Phase 40

Capacity Building Recovery Assistance for Nonprofits/Community Based Organizations5/31/23

Peer Support Services for Housing Authority of Clackamas County Programs

2023-24 RiverHealth Stewardship Program Grants4/20/2023
Lake Oswego Affordable Housing RFQ4/14/23
Request for Qualifications For Older Americans Act Focal Point Services3/16/23
RFP 2022-96 CBO Convener12/15/22

Clackamas and Washington Counties Commercial Tobacco Prevention Community Grant


Non-Profit/Community Based Organization Capacity Building Recovery Assistance


Extreme Weather & Smoke Center Sites and Volunteer & Behavioral Health Support Services  
NOTE: Applications accepted on a continuous, rolling basis after initial close date as funding becomes available

  • Addendum#1: Effective July 25, 2022:  
    Applications for Volunteer Coordination and Behavioral Health Support Services under this NOFO are not being accepted for consideration at this time.  
    Only applications for Sites and Services will be considered.
Property Management Services: Local Project Fund (LPF)9/29/22

Small Grants Program

  • Application  
    published 6/23/22
Request for Information (RFI) #2022-58 - Safety off the Streets6/22/2022
Non-Opioid Pain Management6/20/22
Clackamas Parenting Together Small Grants5/6/22

Youth Substance Abuse Prevention

Clackamas Water Environment Services RiverHealth Stewardship Program Grant4/21/22

RFP 03-2022 Veterans Village Operations and Case Management


Program Offer 03-2022-01 - Emergency Shelters


Program Offer 03-2022-02 Outreach & Engagement


Program Offer 03-2022-03 Justice System Diversion Supportive Services


Program Offer 03-2022-04 HACC Peer Services


Program Offer 03-2022-05 Supportive Housing Case Management and Shelter+Care

ARPA Business & Non-Profit Recovery Payments Program3/28/22

Hillside Redevelopment - Request for Expressions of Interest

Assertive Community Treatment Services2/25/22

Project #2021.127-RFP Tri-County Supportive Housing Services

Intensive Case Management Services  
UPDATED 11/16/21 for direct administrative and indirect cost recovery instructions

Extreme Weather and Smoke Center Sites and Services and Associated Volunteer Coordination and Behavioral Health Support Services

(1st Round): 9/27/21  
Additional applications considered pending funding until 12/31/21
PEER Alcohol & Drug Services  
UPDATED 11/16/21 for direct administrative and indirect cost recovery instructions
Alcohol and Drug Housing Assistance Program  
UPDATED 11/16/21 for direct administrative and indirect cost recovery instructions
Project #21006 Asbestos Abatement Services11/09/2021
Project #21007 Asbestos Air Monitoring Services - 202111/09/2021

Kindergarten Readiness Partnership & Innovation Program


Blueprint for a Healthy Clackamas County Community Grants

Questions accepted until: 11/12/21

Clackamas County Vaccine Funding for Community Partners

Awarded on a rolling basis  
Last date to submit  

RFP #06-2021 Housing Navigation/Placement and Supportive Housing Case Management

2021 Board of County Commissioners Small Grants Program8/23/21
Modernization of #88 OCVM6/30/2021

RFP #05-2021 Housing Advisory Board Facilitation Services

CDBG COVID-19 funding6/17/21

RFP #04-2021 Supportive Housing Services Program


Clackamas Parenting Together Small Grants


Emergency Food & Shelter Program – Phase 38


RFP#03-2021 Financial and Development Advisory Services – Hillside Park

RFP#02-2021 Hearings Officer2/11/2021
Notice of Intent to Award – Webster Rd.01/18/2021
Notice of Intent to Award11/24/2020
Clackamas Heights Skirting Project11/19/2020
Project #20008 - Modernization of 6606 Hemlock11/19/2020

CV2 Emergency Solutions Grant – Community Based Organizations

Debt and LIHTC Equity Investor Request for Proposals – Webster Road Apartments10/16/2020
Request for Proposals - Webster Road Apartments Master Lease or Management Agreement10/30/2020
Request for Proposals - For Housing Management Software9/16/2020

Request for Proposals - Strategic Planning Process and Facilitation


Request for Proposals - CM/GC Services For The Webster Road Redevelopment Project

Hillside Manor Special Inspection3/13/2020
RFP package for the Owners Rep (#2020-01)1/29/2020

CM/GC exemption notice


Request for Qualifications - For Geotechnical Engineering Services


Request for Qualifications - For Environmental Engineering Services


Request for Proposals Housing Predevelopment Line of Credit


Request for Proposals Management of Hillside Manor


Warming Center and Warming Center Volunteer Coordination Services

Deadline for initial round of funding:  
Applications received after 9-23-19, but no later than Dec. 31, 2020,  
may be considered if funding is available.
Board of County Commissioners Small Grants Program  

English Announcement  
English Application Form Russian Announcement  
Russian Application Form Spanish Announcement  
Spanish Application Form Korean Announcement  
Korean Application Form Simplified Chinese Announcement  
Simplified Chinese Application Form Traditional Chinese Announcement  
Traditional Chinese Application Form Vietnamese Announcement  
Vietnamese Application Form
Older American Services – Happy Valley7/3/20

Rural Opioid Prevention & Early Screening (ROPES)


Clackamas Parenting Together Small Grants


Youth Substance Abuse Prevention in Estacada and Sandy, Oregon


Emergency Shelter Services Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO)

Board of County Commissioners Small Grant Program8/15/19

Victim Services: Request for Applications


Debt and LIHTC Equity Investor RFP – Hillside Manor  
published 5/29/19


Notice Of Funding Opportunity - Kindergarten Partnership Innovation Grants  
published 5/15/19


For Owner's Representative Services  
published 5/13/19

Request For Proposals For Transfer of Farmworker Property  
published 5/1/19

Notice of Funding Opportunity: Clakamas Parenting Together  
published 4/1/19

Notice of Funding Opportunity (Request for Qualifications): Food Service and/or Meal Site Management  
published 12/12/18
Request For Proposals For Low Income Housing Tax Credit (Lihtc), Real Estate Counsel & Bond Counsel Services  
published 2/25/19

Request for Proposals for Architectural and Engineering Services for the Renovation of Webster Rd SRO Housing  
published 1/22/19


Request for Proposals for Architectural and Engineering Services for Clackamas Heights Master Plan  
published 1/22/19

Request for Proposals #2018-01 CMGC Services for Hillside Manor Renovation  
published 11/15/18
Request for Proposals for Housing Management Software  
published 10/24/18

Request for Qualifications for Health Implications/Impact Assessment for Hillside Master Plan  
published 3/12/18


Request for Qualifications for Master Planning Services for the Hillside Master Plan  
published 3/12/18


Request for Qualifications for Environmental Engineering Services  
published 1/11/18


Request for Qualifications for Geothechnical Engineering Services  
published 1/11/18


Request for Qualifications for Professional Surveyor Services  
published 1/11/18


Request for Proposals - Physical Condition Assessment Consultant / Rental Assistance Demonstration (Rad) Application  
published 11/29/17


Request for Proposals - Professional Architectural and Engineering Services for the Renovation of Hillside Manor  
published 11/27/17


Request for Proposals - Professional Architectural and Engineering Services for the Renovation of Hillside Manor  
published 11/27/17


Request for Proposals - For On-Call Relocation Services  
published 5/3/17


How To Bid

The following resources will take you to current RFP/RFQ listings and provide step-by-step instructions on how to submit bids.

Helpful tips from our Procurement division.

Register with OregonBuys to locate current county, state and local RFP and bid projects.

Register with Bid Locker to submit your RFP/BID.

Grant Funded Awards

Some county departments offer grants through funding partnerships with state and federal entities or other agency dollars. A few county departments and offices that offer grants:

  • County Administration
  • Equity and Inclusion Office
  • Health, Housing and Human Services
  • Housing Authority of Clackamas County
  • Clackamas County Development Agency
  • Transportation and Development
  • Juvenile
  • Sheriff/Community Corrections
  • Sustainability Office
  • Water Environment Services

We use Notice of Funding Opportunities (NOFOs) to solicit applications for grant funding. The entity awarded the grant funds is called a subrecipient.

After each grant application deadline, the issuing department convenes a scoring committee to review all applications and make award decisions. Committees are selected based on several factors, including expertise in the applicable field, and must follow specific evaluation guidelines in order to ensure the most qualified applications are awarded grant monies.

Open Grant Opportunities

 closing date
Notice of Funding Opportunity for Youth Substance Prevention4/25/25
Notice of Funding Opportunity for Clackamas Parenting Together Small Grants5/9/25
Extreme Weather and Smoke Hotel/Motel Shelter Grant3/31/25 or earlier depending on funding availability and program need.

Procurement is the process of purchasing goods or services. County departments require a variety of contractors and vendors to fulfill our service obligations to residents.

There are several steps involved in the procurement process:

  • Identifying the programmatic need within the department
  • Choosing the goods and services to fulfill that need
  • Purchase request and/or request quotes from vendors/suppliers
  • Execute a contract for the goods or services being purchased

Competitive bidding generally involves the county requesting proposals or quotes for the goods or services the County department is seeking.  Competitive bidding is not always required, and there are numerous exceptions to when the county has to competitively bid for goods and services. In very general terms, procurements over certain dollar thresholds will be competitively bid. Applicable Oregon statutes, and our Local Contract Review Board Rules (LCRB), will govern the procurement process that may be used.

In general, the competitive bidding process involves the following steps:

  • Publication of the Solicitation
  • Evaluation of responses and selection
  • Awarding a contract

The competitive bidding processes typically falls into one of the following categories:

  • Request for Quote (RFQ)
  • Request for Proposal (RFP)
  • Invitation to Bid (ITB)

Request for Quote (RFQ) is a process we use to collect price quotes for the opportunity to fulfill certain tasks or projects.

RFQs generally ask for a quote for a specific project, where the details and outcome are clearly described within the published RFQ package. The selection award criteria will be identified within the package and may be based on lower dollar price comparison for goods and services, or it may be based on more subjective factors for professional services.  The county will generally award the contract to the vendor that meets the minimum qualifying criteria and submits the lowest cost.

When the county receives a quote in response to an RFQ, the chosen vendor will be notified of the terms and conditions of the work.  When a vendor accepts and signs the contract, the contractual partnership begins.


A request for proposal (RFP) is a document solicitation that requests proposals for delivery of goods or services. The request for proposal will generally outline a contractor’s anticipated duties, set expectations, and describe additional terms or conditions that may apply to the procurement. Often the RFP process will be used for personal and professional services needed within the county.

RFPs are evaluated on a number of criteria, not just the cost. For example, we may evaluate the financial health of the proposing vendors, the proposing vendor’s ability to undertake the project, and the proposing vendors’ experience with similar projects. The evaluation criteria is unique and specific to each advertised RFP and will be clearly defined within the solicitation package.


An Invitation to Bid (ITB) is a selection process primarily used for public improvement or construction projects. Similar to the basic structure of an RFQ, the ITB will have very specific project requirements and will have a prescribed bidding schedule identifying the unit costs of the project. The sum of the unit costs equal the lowest price presented by the bidder. Similar to the RFQ, the ITB is usually awarded on low price. 

 closing date
Clackamas County Tourism (Oregon's Mt. Hood Territory)1/30/25
Non-Opioid Pain Management Services1/23/25

Business Development Grant (Office of Economic Development)

Oct. 31, 2024
Strategic Investment Program10/9/24

Clackamas County Healthy Retail Grant


Opioid Settlement Community Grants

Extreme Weather and Smoke Center Sites and Services1/26/24
A&D Peer Support Services11/1/23   
Alcohol & Drug (A&D) Housing Assistance Program10/25/23   

Supporting Services Resource Center

  • published 9/5/23

Clackamas Parenting Together Small Grants


Jennings Lodge Camp Meeting Site


Tobacco Prevention Grants (Washington and Clackamas Counties)


Justice Reinvestment Program victim services grants


Emergency Food & Shelter Program – Phase 40

Capacity Building Recovery Assistance for Nonprofits/Community Based Organizations5/31/23

Peer Support Services for Housing Authority of Clackamas County Programs

2023-24 RiverHealth Stewardship Program Grants4/20/2023
Lake Oswego Affordable Housing RFQ4/14/23
Request for Qualifications For Older Americans Act Focal Point Services3/16/23
RFP 2022-96 CBO Convener12/15/22

Clackamas and Washington Counties Commercial Tobacco Prevention Community Grant


Non-Profit/Community Based Organization Capacity Building Recovery Assistance


Extreme Weather & Smoke Center Sites and Volunteer & Behavioral Health Support Services  
NOTE: Applications accepted on a continuous, rolling basis after initial close date as funding becomes available

  • Addendum#1: Effective July 25, 2022:  
    Applications for Volunteer Coordination and Behavioral Health Support Services under this NOFO are not being accepted for consideration at this time.  
    Only applications for Sites and Services will be considered.
Property Management Services: Local Project Fund (LPF)9/29/22

Small Grants Program

  • Application  
    published 6/23/22
Request for Information (RFI) #2022-58 - Safety off the Streets6/22/2022
Non-Opioid Pain Management6/20/22
Clackamas Parenting Together Small Grants5/6/22

Youth Substance Abuse Prevention

Clackamas Water Environment Services RiverHealth Stewardship Program Grant4/21/22

RFP 03-2022 Veterans Village Operations and Case Management


Program Offer 03-2022-01 - Emergency Shelters


Program Offer 03-2022-02 Outreach & Engagement


Program Offer 03-2022-03 Justice System Diversion Supportive Services


Program Offer 03-2022-04 HACC Peer Services


Program Offer 03-2022-05 Supportive Housing Case Management and Shelter+Care

ARPA Business & Non-Profit Recovery Payments Program3/28/22

Hillside Redevelopment - Request for Expressions of Interest

Assertive Community Treatment Services2/25/22

Project #2021.127-RFP Tri-County Supportive Housing Services

Intensive Case Management Services  
UPDATED 11/16/21 for direct administrative and indirect cost recovery instructions

Extreme Weather and Smoke Center Sites and Services and Associated Volunteer Coordination and Behavioral Health Support Services

(1st Round): 9/27/21  
Additional applications considered pending funding until 12/31/21
PEER Alcohol & Drug Services  
UPDATED 11/16/21 for direct administrative and indirect cost recovery instructions
Alcohol and Drug Housing Assistance Program  
UPDATED 11/16/21 for direct administrative and indirect cost recovery instructions
Project #21006 Asbestos Abatement Services11/09/2021
Project #21007 Asbestos Air Monitoring Services - 202111/09/2021

Kindergarten Readiness Partnership & Innovation Program


Blueprint for a Healthy Clackamas County Community Grants

Questions accepted until: 11/12/21

Clackamas County Vaccine Funding for Community Partners

Awarded on a rolling basis  
Last date to submit  

RFP #06-2021 Housing Navigation/Placement and Supportive Housing Case Management

2021 Board of County Commissioners Small Grants Program8/23/21
Modernization of #88 OCVM6/30/2021

RFP #05-2021 Housing Advisory Board Facilitation Services

CDBG COVID-19 funding6/17/21

RFP #04-2021 Supportive Housing Services Program


Clackamas Parenting Together Small Grants


Emergency Food & Shelter Program – Phase 38


RFP#03-2021 Financial and Development Advisory Services – Hillside Park

RFP#02-2021 Hearings Officer2/11/2021
Notice of Intent to Award – Webster Rd.01/18/2021
Notice of Intent to Award11/24/2020
Clackamas Heights Skirting Project11/19/2020
Project #20008 - Modernization of 6606 Hemlock11/19/2020

CV2 Emergency Solutions Grant – Community Based Organizations

Debt and LIHTC Equity Investor Request for Proposals – Webster Road Apartments10/16/2020
Request for Proposals - Webster Road Apartments Master Lease or Management Agreement10/30/2020
Request for Proposals - For Housing Management Software9/16/2020

Request for Proposals - Strategic Planning Process and Facilitation


Request for Proposals - CM/GC Services For The Webster Road Redevelopment Project

Hillside Manor Special Inspection3/13/2020
RFP package for the Owners Rep (#2020-01)1/29/2020

CM/GC exemption notice


Request for Qualifications - For Geotechnical Engineering Services


Request for Qualifications - For Environmental Engineering Services


Request for Proposals Housing Predevelopment Line of Credit


Request for Proposals Management of Hillside Manor


Warming Center and Warming Center Volunteer Coordination Services

Deadline for initial round of funding:  
Applications received after 9-23-19, but no later than Dec. 31, 2020,  
may be considered if funding is available.
Board of County Commissioners Small Grants Program  

English Announcement  
English Application Form Russian Announcement  
Russian Application Form Spanish Announcement  
Spanish Application Form Korean Announcement  
Korean Application Form Simplified Chinese Announcement  
Simplified Chinese Application Form Traditional Chinese Announcement  
Traditional Chinese Application Form Vietnamese Announcement  
Vietnamese Application Form
Older American Services – Happy Valley7/3/20

Rural Opioid Prevention & Early Screening (ROPES)


Clackamas Parenting Together Small Grants


Youth Substance Abuse Prevention in Estacada and Sandy, Oregon


Emergency Shelter Services Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO)

Board of County Commissioners Small Grant Program8/15/19

Victim Services: Request for Applications


Debt and LIHTC Equity Investor RFP – Hillside Manor  
published 5/29/19


Notice Of Funding Opportunity - Kindergarten Partnership Innovation Grants  
published 5/15/19


For Owner's Representative Services  
published 5/13/19

Request For Proposals For Transfer of Farmworker Property  
published 5/1/19

Notice of Funding Opportunity: Clakamas Parenting Together  
published 4/1/19

Notice of Funding Opportunity (Request for Qualifications): Food Service and/or Meal Site Management  
published 12/12/18
Request For Proposals For Low Income Housing Tax Credit (Lihtc), Real Estate Counsel & Bond Counsel Services  
published 2/25/19

Request for Proposals for Architectural and Engineering Services for the Renovation of Webster Rd SRO Housing  
published 1/22/19


Request for Proposals for Architectural and Engineering Services for Clackamas Heights Master Plan  
published 1/22/19

Request for Proposals #2018-01 CMGC Services for Hillside Manor Renovation  
published 11/15/18
Request for Proposals for Housing Management Software  
published 10/24/18

Request for Qualifications for Health Implications/Impact Assessment for Hillside Master Plan  
published 3/12/18


Request for Qualifications for Master Planning Services for the Hillside Master Plan  
published 3/12/18


Request for Qualifications for Environmental Engineering Services  
published 1/11/18


Request for Qualifications for Geothechnical Engineering Services  
published 1/11/18


Request for Qualifications for Professional Surveyor Services  
published 1/11/18


Request for Proposals - Physical Condition Assessment Consultant / Rental Assistance Demonstration (Rad) Application  
published 11/29/17


Request for Proposals - Professional Architectural and Engineering Services for the Renovation of Hillside Manor  
published 11/27/17


Request for Proposals - Professional Architectural and Engineering Services for the Renovation of Hillside Manor  
published 11/27/17


Request for Proposals - For On-Call Relocation Services  
published 5/3/17


Tips for Submitting Proposals or Applying for a Grant

So, are you ready to do business with Clackamas County?  Here are some tips for submitting a successful procurement submission or grant application:

Follow the instructions fully
Review the instructions of the solicitation document or grant application carefully to ensure you understand all the requirements for a complete response, and double check you have satisfied those requirements prior to submittal. Also, be sure to submit a response in the format requested (e.g., digital versus paper).

Be specific, but be clear
The response should not be so detailed that it includes elements not relevant to the project, but should give a complete picture of what you can do and your qualifications.

  • Always respond in a timely manner
  • Proofread your proposal for typos
  • Send the proposal to the right point of contact
  • Do not exceed applicable page limits. Many solicitations will limit the number of pages that may be submitted. Failure to follow this rule could result in your proposal being rejected
  • Emphasize what makes you special and separates you from other individuals or organizations
  • Do not assume that “the county knows me”

A procurement solicitation or grant NOFO will give you everything you need to include in your response. Typically, this will include most of the following:

  • A summary describing the opportunity
  • A scope of work and expected deliverables
  • Contact information for questions
  • Details about the selection and evaluation process
  • Information for how you should respond
  • For grants,  the expected period of performance and a figure or range for individual award amounts and whether the award contains federal dollars may be needed.

Ethical Standards and State Law

County employees play an important role in preserving the integrity of government contracting and ensuring fair treatment of bidders, officers, and contractors. Our staff take this role very seriously and appreciate that a failure to treat public contracting in an unbiased and fair manner undermines the public’s confidence in Clackamas County’s processes and the Board’s commitment to transparency and Building Trust through Good Government.

This commitment is underscored by the our core values of Service, Professionalism, Integrity, Respect, Individual Accountability and Trust (SPIRIT), and these values guide all staff in their role in the contracting process.

Moreover, all county employees are subject to the Oregon Ethics Act (Oregon Revised Statute Chapter 244), which further imposes ethical obligations on how staff may do business on behalf of the county.

Lastly, all procurements are subject to the county’s procurement code of ethics and Local Contract Review Board rules.

These rules and obligations, whether under Oregon law or as a result of the county’s own policies and values, establish a framework to ensure the public contracting process is fair, impartial, and conducted in accordance with applicable law.

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