Victory Road at Forsythe Road Realignment

An existing intersection at Victory Road and Forsythe Road, south of Cliff View Drive, had limited site distance and experienced periodic crashes. Recent development near the intersection created significant changes. The County and developer previously negotiated an agreement for the developer to dedicate funds and the necessary right of way to realign the road at the intersection and significantly improve the site distance. Nearly 1000 LF of new roadway alignment was constructed, including excavation, pavement, stormwater, guardrail and signing efforts. Additional scope was added to include improvements made along Forsythe Road, including additional embankment, a guardrail run with terminal end pieces, and improvements to the vertical curve in order to close the existing Victory Road's access to Forsythe Road and open a new access approximately 300 feet to the west.

Updated: 12/06/19

Contact: Bob Knorr, Project Manager:, 503-742-4680

Engineer: Joel Howie, PE (Clackamas County, DTD Transportation Engineering)

Contractor: Kerr Contractors Oregon, LLC

Funding: Estimated cost to complete the project is $480,198.50, funded by the County in cooperation with the nearby area developer.


150 Beavercreek Road Room #325 Oregon City, OR 97045

Office Hours:

Monday to Thursday
8 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Available by phone/email
8 a.m. to 3 p.m.

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