Updated and enhanced curve warning signs will be installed on 18 rural county arterial and collector roads over 36 miles.
Updated: April 4, 2023
These safety improvements are expected to provide:
- 20–35% reduction in fatal and serious injury-causing crashes from adding curve warning signs
The traffic safety team has assessed and determined proper curve advisory speeds to post along each road segment where curve warning signs will be installed along the following roads:
- 232nd Drive
- Baker Road
- Beavercreek Road
- Borland Road
- Elk Road
- Feyrer Park Road
- Grahams Ferry Road
- Hayden Road
- Knights Bridge Road
- Ladd Hill Road
- Leland Road
- Lone Elder Road
- Macksburg Road
- Molalla Avenue
- Rosemount Road
- Tooze Road
- Wilsonville Road
For more information on curve warning signs, read the ODOT Fact Sheet on Updated Curve Warning Signs.
To provide a safer roadway for all users and to reduce crashes.
- Project estimate $250,000.
- Funding is provided from county road funds and HB 2017 gas taxes.