Parks System Development Charge (PSDC)

System Development Charges are one-time fees charged to new development to help pay a portion of the costs associated with building capital facilities to meet needs created by growth. The PSDC fee is based on the specific impact a development is expected to have on the District's population and employment.

(recommended guidelines from Metro Employment Density Study

Type of Development Zone 2 Zone 3 Sunnyside Village
SFR / MH $6,760 $6,075 $6,075
Multi-Family $5,842 $5,290 $5,290
Non-Residential $60 / Employee ** $60 / Employee ** $60 / Employee **
Accessory Dwelling Unit or Single Occupancy*** $3,380 $3,038 $3,038
** Number of employees calculated using PSDC Table 5.4, below.
*** Accessory Dwelling Units assessed Single Room Occupancy Dwelling Unit rate per ordinance
(See map for district boundaries)
Standard Industry Classification (SIC)* Square Feet Per Employee
1-19 Ag., Fish & Forest Services; Construction; Mining 590
20 Food & Kindred Products 630
22, 23 Textile & Apparel 930
24 Lumber & Wood 640
25, 32, 39 Furniture; Clay, Stone, & Glass; Misc. 760
26 Paper and Allied 1,600
27 Printing, Publishing & Allied 450
28-31 Chemicals, Petroleum, Rubber, Leather 720
33, 34 Primary & Fabricated Metals 420
35 Machinery Equipment 300
36, 38 Electrical Machinery, Equipment 400
37 Transportation Equipment 700
40-42, 44, 45, 47 Transportation and Warehousing 3,290
43, 46, 48, 49 Communications and Public Utilities 460
50, 51 Wholesale Trade 1,390
52-59 Retail Trade 470
60-68 Finance, Insurance & Real Estate 370
70-79 Non-Health Services 770
80 Health Services 350
81-89 Educational, Social, Membership Services 740
90-99 Government 530
* Source: U.S. Department of Commerce Standard Industrial Classification Manual

The North Clackamas Park and Recreation District provides a variety of park and recreational facilities and a wide-range of services, including: aquatics, community athletics, special events and specialized recreation programs. District parks, facilities and services are important community resources benefiting both existing and future District residents, businesses, non-resident employees and visitors.

Map of Districts and Fees


150 Beavercreek Road Room #325 Oregon City, OR 97045

Office Hours:

Monday to Thursday
8 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Available by phone/email
8 a.m. to 3 p.m.

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