Nov. 8, 2001 Election Results


Last Updated: Tuesday, April 24, 2007, 3:16 p.m.

* Total County Turnout * Precincts 25
  Precincts Reported 25
(No. to vote for 0) Percent Reported 100.0
Total Registered Voters> 34816  
Accum. Registration- -> 34816 100.0
* * Total Turnout - -> 10636 30.5
Meas.3-49/Canby City - Precincts 5
  Precincts Reported 5
(No. to vote for 1) Percent Reported 100.0
Expand City Area YES 1476 77.1
by 0.61 Acres? NO 436 22.8
Meas.3-43/Oregon City - Precincts 10
  Precincts Reported 10
(No. to vote for 1) Percent Reported 100.0
Expand City Area YES 2284 74.6
by 4.97 Acres? NO 775 25.3
Meas.3-44/Oregon City - Precincts 10
  Precincts Reported 10
(No. to vote for 1) Percent Reported 100.0
Annex 29 Island YES 2296 74.9
Parcels into City? NO 769 25.0
Meas.3-45/City-West Linn Precincts 10
  Precincts Reported 10
(No. to vote for 1) Percent Reported 100.0
Impose 5 Year Levy YES 3178 57.2
for Fire Services? NO 2372 42.7
Meas.3-46/City-West Linn Precincts 10
  Precincts Reported 10
(No. to vote for 1) Percent Reported 100.0
Impose 5 Year Levy YES 2699 48.6
for Police Services? NO 2851 51.3
Meas.3-47/City-West Linn Precincts 10
  Precincts Reported 10
(No. to vote for 1) Percent Reported 100.0
Amend Parks and YES 4097 75.3
Open Space Use? NO 1339 24.6
Meas.3-48/City-West Linn Precincts 10
  Precincts Reported 10
(No. to vote for 1) Percent Reported 100.0
Bonds for Park YES 2561 47.8
and Athletic Fields? NO 2787 52.1


1710 Red Soils Court, Suite 100 Oregon City, OR 97045

Office Hours:

Monday - Friday 
8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Election Day 
7 a.m. to 8 p.m.

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