Nov. 5, 2019 Special Election


Measure # District Caption Voters' Pamphlet Argument Fee
3-551 City of Happy Valley Approval of Happy Valley Police Services Levy for Five Years $350
3-552 City of West Linn Charter Amendment - Would Provide City Council Authority over Legal Advisors $350
3-553 Clackamas County Vector Control Renew Five-Year Local Option Tax for Vector (Mosquito-Fly) Control $400
3-554 West Linn-Wilsonville School Bonds to Increase Safety, Security; Address Overcrowding; Build, Replace Facilities $400
3-555 West Linn-Wilsonville School Renewal of Five-Year Local Option Levy for Teaching Positions $400
26-203 Metro Bonds to Protect Water Quality, Fish, Wildlife Habitat, Natural Areas $400
26-204 City of Portland Amends Charter: Increases Protections for Bull Run Watershed $100
26-205 City of Portland Amends Charter: Authorizes City Participation in Emergency Mutual Aid Agreements $100
26-207 Portland Public Schools Levy Renewal to Maintain Teaching Positions and Classroom Supports $100

Measure Arguments may be submitted in favor or in opposition to a measure to appear in the Voters’ Pamphlet.  The deadline for submission/payment is 5 p.m. on Sept. 9, 2019.   Each Argument may be up to 325 words, including endorsements.  Please review the Measure Argument / Statement of Endorsement Instructions / fee schedule for complete requirements.


1710 Red Soils Court, Suite 100 Oregon City, OR 97045

Office Hours:

Monday - Friday 
8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Election Day 
7 a.m. to 8 p.m.

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