March 9, 2021 Special Election

Ballot Observation Schedule

Public access to observation areas are open and observers are welcome.  We strongly encourage any persons interested in observing to review our Observer Policy and processing schedule prior to arriving.  Space may be limited due to safety concerns.  All ballot processing activities will be conducted at Clackamas County Elections, 1710 Red Soils Ct, Oregon City. The Public Certification Test of our vote tally system was conducted on March 2, 2021 at 9:00 a.m.  .

Ballot Processing Schedule:

     Monday, March 8th - 9:00 am - 4:00 pm*

     Tuesday, March 9th - TBD (Monday 3/8/21 afternoon)

     *As needed until all ballots have been tallied. Please note: This schedule is subject to change, as we may end processing earlier than expected. We will not be processing ballots outside of the posted hours.

Initial results released on March 9th, 8:30 p.m. 

Turnout Update

Total Eligible Voters: 25,988 

Date Received Returns today Returns to date % Returned to date
2/08/2021 2 2 .01
2/18/2021 2 4 .01
2/19/2021 5 9 .04
2/22/2021 335 344 1.3
2/23/2021 696 1040 4.0
2/24/2021 723 1763 6.78
2/25/2021 375 2138 8.22
2/26/2021 554 2692 10.33
3/1/2021 865 3557 13.65
3/3/2021 599 4160 15.91
3/4/2021 242 4402 16.54
3/5/2021 388 4790 18.32
3/8/2021 949 5739 21.55

City of Oregon City - Important Dates

Jan 15 Candidate Statements available for public inspection
Jan 22 Military/Overseas Ballots Mailed
Feb 8 Out of State Ballots Mailed
Feb 16 Last Day to Register to Voter for March Election
Feb 17 Local Ballots Mailed/Drop Sites Open
March  2 Public Test -  9:00 am
March 9 Election Day! 
March 23 Deadline to Resolve Ballot Challenges
March 29 Deadline to Certify Election

Filed Candidates

The City of Oregon City has certified the list of candidates that will appear on the March 9, 2021 ballot. 

Candidate Name Position Term
Rachel Lyles Smith Mayor Remainder of unexpired term, ending 12/31/2022.
Alex Josephy Mayor Remainder of unexpired term, ending 12/31/2022.
Damon Mabee Mayor Remainder of unexpired term, ending 12/31/2022.
Leslie Wright Jr. Mayor Remainder of unexpired term, ending 12/31/2022.
Phil Heppner Mayor Remainder of unexpired term, ending 12/31/2022.


Drop Sites

Select Clackamas County drop sites will be available to the public 24 hours a day from February 17th until 8 pm on Election Day. (See below)

Clackamas County Elections*
1710 Red Soils Ct
Oregon City, OR 97045

Oregon City - City Hall
625 Center St
Oregon City, OR 97045

*Drive-up ballot drop access


1710 Red Soils Court, Suite 100 Oregon City, OR 97045

Office Hours:

Monday - Friday 
8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Election Day 
7 a.m. to 8 p.m.

Related Events
Clerk, Elections