May 20, 2014 Primary Election

Useful links:

Candidate Manual

2014 Election Calendar

Open positions:

County Voters' Pamphlet

State Voters' Pamphlet

Board of County Commissioners, Position 2


Paul Savas - 9/12/2013 - by fee

Voters' Pamphlet Statement

Karen Bowerman - 11/22/2013 - by fee

Voters' Pamphlet Statement

Rick Best - 1/2/14 - by fee

Voters' Pamphlet Statement

Board of County Commissioners, Position 5


James Bernard - 9/19/2013 - by fee

Voters' Pamphlet Statement

Stephen Bates - 10/31/2013 - by fee

Voters' Pamphlet Statement

County Clerk


Sherry Hall - 9/12/2013 - by fee

Voters' Pamphlet Statement

David Robinson - 11/22/2013 - by fee

Voters' Pamphlet Statement

Mark Meek - 2/21/2014 - by fee

Voters' Pamphlet Statement

Linda Neace - 2/25/2014 - by fee

Voters' Pamphlet Statement

Barbara Stringham - 3/11/2014 - by fee

Did not file a Voters' Pamphlet Statement

County Treasurer


Shari Anderson - 12/24/13 - by fee

Voters' Pamphlet Statement

James Gleason - 3/7/2014 - by fee

Voters' Pamphlet Statement

Myhanh Best - 3/10/2014 - by fee

Voters' Pamphlet Statement

The positions of Metro President, Auditor, and Council Zones 1 & 2 file with Multnomah County. To find information on these filings for candidate, follow this link to Multnomah County Elections.

Clackamas County Voters' Pamphlet filings for Metro positions

Metro President - Tom Hughes

Metro Auditor - Brian Evans

Metro Council District 1 - Shirley Craddick

Metro Council District 2 - Carlotta Collette

Precinct Committee Person Filings

Democratic Party - As of 3/11/2014

Republican Party - As of 3/11/2014 (Precincts 283 & 321 shown in red are contested races)


For copies of measure arguments contact Clackamas County Elections

Important Election Dates (County Candidates):

Sept 12 - first day to file as candidate for May 2014 Primary.
February 1 - first day to file for PCP
March 11 - last day to file as candidate for May 2014 Primary, includes PCP's.
March 13 - last day to file Voters' Pamphlet statement.
March 19 - Voters' Pamphlet materials become public.
March 24 - last day to file measure arguments.
March 28 - measure arguments become public.
April 4 - Military/Overseas ballots mailed.
April 21 - Out-of-state ballots mailed.
April 23-25 Voters' Pamphlet arrives.
May 1-5 - Local ballots arrive.
May 1 - Dropsites open
May 20 – ELECTION DAY. Ballots must be returned by 8:00 p.m. First results published 8 p.m.

* Dates for state/city candidates may differ - contact your filing officer.


1710 Red Soils Court, Suite 100 Oregon City, OR 97045

Office Hours:

Monday - Friday 
8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Election Day 
7 a.m. to 8 p.m.

Related Events
Clerk, Elections