Flooding Preparedness

Flooding poses a threat to life and safety and can cause severe damage to public and private property. River levels in Clackamas County are monitored by a network of river gauges that help us predict the when peak water levels will occur in our communities. We also work with fire districts to provide sand bag distribution locations to assist residents in protecting their homes from flooding.

If you find yourself in a flood warning zone:

  • Find safe shelter right away.
  • Do not walk, swim or drive through flood waters. Turn Around, Don’t Drown!
  • Remember, just six inches of moving water can knock you down, and one foot of moving water can sweep your vehicle away.
  • Stay off bridges over fast-moving water.

Damage From Local Floods

Flooding events during the last 50 years have ravaged parts of Clackamas County. Some of the results of these events include:

  • One man died when his house collapsed into Wildcat Creek.
  • Almost forty homes near the Brightwood area alone were completely destroyed with no trace of having been there.
  • The Oregon City Shopping Center was inundated by 34.5 inches of water, with the shopping basements of JCPenney and Grants being completely submerged.
  • Nearly $4 million was needed for repairs to public infrastructure that included damages to Lolo Pass Road, the Zigzag River bridge and county Water Environment Services wastewater facilities.
  • At least 37 residential properties suffered significant bank erosion and face increased future erosion threats.

Documentary videos


Department Staff
Jay Wilson
Resilience Coordinator