Mental Health Court (MHC) is designed for those who have committed a crime and are diagnosed with a major mental illness such as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, among others.
MHC is a collaboration between the District Attorney’s office, probation, the court, the local defense bar and the county’s Behavioral Health Unit. It provides a wrap-around treatment team to help a participant manage their mental illness — whether that be providing support with their medication, drug treatment, weekly group counseling sessions, and/or housing.
Participants must be a Clackamas County resident, willing to comply with the rules of the program, and not pose a significant public safety risk.
MHC often provides participants with the incentive of a reduction in jail or prison time, while affording our community the benefit of intense treatment supervision the participant might not otherwise receive. Depending on the nature of the charges or their criminal history, a participant may be eligible for a deferred sentencing program which would result in their case being dismissed upon successful completion of the program.
Mental Health Court is held at the Clackamas County Courthouse. For more information, contact them at 503-655-8401.