System Development Charges (SDCs) and Connection Charges

(rates effective 7/1/2024)

Connection Charge

 $6,000  minimum, if applicable. See WES Rules, Section 5.5

System Development Charges

The sewer and storm SDCs shall be calculated based on the Classes of Service defined in WES Rules, Section 5.4 - Tables 2 and 3.

Sanitary Sewer System Development Charge (Rate Zones 1 and 2)$9,100.00
per EDU
Surface Water System Development Charge (Rate Zone 2)$246.50
per ESU

Sanitary Sewer Tap In - 4"

North Clackamas Service Area$125.00
Hoodland Service Area$150.00
Boring Service Area$125.00

Sanitary Sewer Tap In - 6"

North Clackamas Service Area$150.00
Hoodland Service Area$175.00
Boring Service Area$150.00

System Development Charges FAQ


System Development Charges are one-time charges assessed when customers connect to system. These charges help pay for the sanitary sewer and surface water infrastructure required to meet growth-related needs. Adjustments to these rates are made during the budget process and go into effect each July 1.


Based upon the recommendations received from the WES Advisory and Budget Committees, the Board of County Commissioners, whom also serve as WES’ governing body, approves SDC rates. Rates are adopted to offset the impacts of growth on infrastructure while maintaining the competitiveness of local businesses.


SDCs are paid when property owners request new or expanded sewer service connections though building permits issued by cities or the county.  Some of those payments are collected by cities and routed to WES, while some are paid directly to WES during the permitting process. 


Projects that do not increase the use of or impact the sewer system are exempt from SDCs. 

Credits are available for projects that offset the impact of the new connection on the system, such as when commercial and industrial users recycle wastewater and stormwater. 

Waiving SDCs is not an option. 


Each year WES goes through a budget process, typically from January through June, to establish rates for the following fiscal year (July 1 to June 30).  Public meeting notices are published, inviting the public to comment on the proposed rates and fees before the budget is adopted. A notice regarding the SDC rates is published as required by applicable law.

Community members are welcome to attend budget committee meetings or to testify at a Board of County Commissioners Business meeting before the budget is formally approved in June.  

In addition, the Commissioners seek feedback from ratepayers, elected officials, developers and business representatives that serve on the WES Advisory Committee. 


If you have any questions about the foregoing, please contact us at 503-742-4567 or



150 Beavercreek Road #430, Oregon City, OR 97045

Office Hours:

Monday - Thursday
7:30 a.m. – 5 p.m. 
Closed on the lunch hour 12 p.m. – 1 p.m.

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