North Clackamas Revitalization Area Sewer Assessment Safety Net Program (Updated)

Clackamas County Development Agency
Clackamas County Service District No. 1

Program objectives

The purpose of the North Clackamas Revitalization Area (NCRA) Sewer Assessment Safety Net Program (Program) is to provide grants to low income homeowners who live within Assessment District 2009-1 for the recently completed NCRA sewer project. The objective of the Program is to reduce financial hardship to those homeowners with an inability to make a payment on their sanitary sewer assessment. Those qualifying for the Program will receive a grant paying for the principal amount of the sewer assessment levied against their property during the year in which they are approved for the program.

The amount and availability of funds for the program is subject to approval of the Agency's budget for the 2018-19 fiscal year, by the Clackamas County Board of Commissioners acting as the Clackamas County Development Agency Board. The Board may elect to change the amount of funds available to the program, which would affect the number of grants awarded, or could direct the Agency to not implement the program.

The Program does not pay for system development charges, on-site system decommissioning or repairs, other connection charges, or monthly sewer fees. Homeowners should contact Water Environment Services, 503-742-4567, for information on available assistance programs for these costs and fees.

Eligible properties

Grant funds are limited and will be made on a first-come, first-served basis to homeowners living in the NCRA who meet Program qualifications and have received notice of a sewer assessment from CCSD#1. The order by which applications will be reviewed will be determined by the date by which a completed application form, including all required documentation is received.

Current basic safety net grant program eligibility requirements

  • Applicant must apply to pay the sewer assessment in installments.
  • Applicant must own or be buying the residential property.
  • Owner must reside on property. Rental properties are not eligible.
  • The property must be subject to an assessment from CCSD#1 for Assessment District 2009-01.
  • Annual household income may not exceed 200% of the most recently published poverty guidelines, based on household size, except one (1) and two (2) person households, whose income may not exceed 200% of the federal poverty level for a three (3) person household.
  • Federal Poverty Guidelines for 2018 are:
    Total Household Size Maximum Annual Gross Income
    (200% of the federal poverty level)
    1 41,560
    2 41,560
    3 41,560
    4 50,200
    5 58,840
    6 67,480
    7 76,120
    8 84,760
  • Net household assets, excluding the primary residence and its contents, and two primary vehicles, may not exceed $35,000.
    **Updated from May 9, 2016 notice.

What are the limits of the Safety Net Program?

Program funds are limited to those applicants who qualify on a first-come, first-served basis. Program funds each fiscal year are subject to budget approval and may not be sufficient to cover all eligible applicants.

Applicants receiving a safety net grant will need to recertify their eligibility each calendar year by June 30th. In subsequent years, applicants receiving a safety net grant will need to recertify their eligibility each calendar year by April 30th. Applicants that no longer meet income, asset or other eligibility requirements will become ineligible to receive a sewer safety net grant. Applicants may reapply in future years if they again fall within eligibility guidelines. Grant program money which becomes available due to previous applicants becoming ineligible will then become available on a first-come, first-served basis to new applicants.

The applicant will need to complete and return the application form, along with required documentation, by the specified date. The full application will require proof of income and assets such as recent tax returns, payment stubs and bank statements. If the full application is approved, the applicant will be eligible for a sewer assessment grant, subject to the availability of funds on a first-come, first-served basis, which will pay the principal amount of the applicant's assessment during the calendar year.

What happens if I can't pay the interest amount of the assessment?

Any unpaid portion of the assessment will continue to accrue interest on the unpaid balance.

Grant approval

Grant applications are subject to final approval by the Development Agency Manager.

Contact Us
Department Staff
Customer Service
Water Environment Services
Ken Itel
Development Agency


150 Beavercreek Road #430, Oregon City, OR 97045

Office Hours:

Monday - Thursday
7:30 a.m. – 5 p.m. 
Closed on the lunch hour 12 p.m. – 1 p.m.

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