Report a Road Concern

Please note: We do not repair or maintain city and state roads or highways. Report city road concerns to the respective city, and state road concerns to the Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) online or 1-888-ASK-ODOT. If you see a road problem — hazardous or non-hazardous — please let us know. 

Pothole response: After we receive reports of potholes, we’ll investigate each one and fix them within 7 days as they are confirmed. 

Hazardous Concern

If you see a hazardous roadway condition, something that needs immediate attention, please call:

Clackamas County Transportation Maintenance  
Monday - Thursday, 7 am. - 5:30 pm.
Sheriff's Office  
(outside normal business hours)

Examples of hazardous roadway conditions:

  • Stop sign down or missing
  • Malfunctioning traffic signal
  • Tree on roadway obstructing traffic
  • Debris or material on roadway obstructing traffic flow
  • Standing water obstructing traffic flow
  • Dead deer or elk obstructing traffic flow
  • Pothole or sinkhole imposing significant traffic hazard
  • Bike lane obstruction such as a pothole, debris or other impediments
  • Sidewalk causing a trip hazard

Non-Hazardous Concern

To report a non-hazardous/non-emergency roadway concern, please fill out the form or contact us below:


Type of Concern(s)

Check all that apply.

Contact Information

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