Intelligent Transportation System

One of the ways we help make our street safer and effectively move people and goods through the area is through the use of technology. An Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) uses technology to benefit our community through traffic signal treatments such as:

  • High-speed fiber optic communication: infrastructure improvement allowing faster communication speed to regional traffic signal network. This upgrade allows access to the network to nearby transportation facilities, schools, public utilities, etc.
  • Smart traffic signal sensors: signal upgrades to for pedestrians and bicyclists to get a head start to cross busy intersections.
  • Adaptive traffic signals: what does this mean?
  • Transit priority systems: what does this mean?

Intelligent Transportation System Plan
A technology plan for traffic signals was formally developed in 2003. The plan is updated every ten years. The update for 2021 was developed with the participation and input from the cities of Canby, Gladstone, Happy Valley, Lake Oswego, Milwaukie, Oregon City, West Linn and Wilsonville. The plan covers safety practices, user needs as defined by stakeholders, and high-level cost estimates, descriptions and maps for proposed regional projects.

ITS applications leverage technology and support systems to improve safety and mobility at a lower impact and cost than building and maintaining more lanes on our road network. Clackamas County and regional partner agencies collaborate to manage the intelligent transportation system.


150 Beavercreek Road Room #225 Oregon City, OR 97045

Office Hours:

Monday to Thursday
8 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Available by phone/email
8 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Related Events
Sunrise, Transportation and Development