Clackamas Regional Center Mobility Improvements



Updated: Feb. 28, 2022

Clackamas Regional Mobility Logo


To construct a package of multimodal projects to meet transportation needs in the Clackamas Regional Center through the year 2040. Traffic congestion in this area presented major challenges affecting safety, multimodal access, and economic development. The completed project:

  • Provides a safe and efficient transportation system
  • Addresses needs of residents, businesses, and the public
  • Balances different modes of transportation: motor vehicle, bicycle, pedestrian, transit, and freight


Major components of the project are complete. The public can expect to see minor work occurring in early 2022, but only minor traffic disruptions are anticipated.

Improvements include

  • Harmony Road between 80th Avenue and Fuller Road, including the pedestrian crossing at Clackamas Community College.
  • Sunnyside Road between SE 82nd Avenue and SE Stevens Road, including improvements to the I-205 Overcrossing and Interchange.
  • SE 80th Avenue between Harmony Road and Southgate Street.
  • SE 93rd Avenue and SE 97th Avenue Intersections with Sunnybrook Boulevard.
  • SE 82nd Avenue, including upgrades at Sunnyside Road and Sunnybrook Road

Improved travel options

Local residents benefit from new and improved opportunities to walk, bike, and take transit with better connections to the Town Center Max station and I-205 bike path. New lighting and landscaping enhance safety and aesthetics, especially along SE Sunnyside Road between the Clackamas Town Center and Clackamas Promenade.

Employees and employers at Kaiser Sunnyside Medical Center, Sunnyside 205, One Town Center, Clackamas Town Center, Clackamas promenade, and business along SE 82nd Avenue in the project area have improved access to work whether driving, walking, biking or taking transit.

Transportation improvements that link transit, walking and biking in the area serve youth and students at Clackamas Community College Harmony Campus, Clackamas Middle College and La Salle Catholic College Preparatory, and visitors to the North Clackamas Aquatic Park.

Shoppers benefit from removal of the slop lane into the Clackamas Town Center to alleviate congestion in the parking lot. Restriped travel lanes, modified traffic signal timing, and new signage will help shoppers get to and from their destinations smoothly and safely.

Improved traffic operations at several intersections help commuters and freight traffic traveling to and through the Clackamas Regional Center, including SE Sunnyside Road at 82nd Avenue, SE Sunnyside Road at SE Stevens Road, and I-205 on-and off ramps.

Improvements by location

Fuller Road:

  • A new crosswalk at the intersection of Fuller Road and Southgate Street

Harmony Road:

  • A new crosswalk and center refuge island at Clackamas Community College – Harmony Campus
  • Widened the sidewalk and new  landscape strip on the north side of Harmony Rd between Clackamas Community College – Harmony Campus and 80th Avenue

80th Avenue:

  • Widened and repaved 80th Avenue from Harmony Road to Southgate Street

84th Avenue:

  • New stormwater quality and detention swale on the west side of 84th Avenue

Sunnyside Road:

Sunnyside road

  • New and reconstructed sidewalks and bike lanes on Sunnyside Road from 82nd Avenue to Stevens Road
  • Reduced travel lanes from four to three on eastbound Sunnyside Road between 84th Avenue and the 9000 block to accommodate sidewalks, bike lanes, and median landscaping
  • Removed overgrown vegetation and added landscaping on north side of Sunnyside Road between the 8600 and 9000 blocks
  • Lengthened the westbound left-turn lane at 82nd Avenue to add capacity for vehicles turning left onto southbound 82nd Avenue
  • Improved traffic signals at the 8600 block, 9000 block, SE 93rd Avenue, I-205 overcrossing, and Stevens Road
  • Removed the slip lane from the southbound I-205 off-ramp into the Clackamas Town Center and added a sidewalk and bike lane; added pedestrian signal

Sunnybrook Boulevard:


  • Modified lane striping and traffic signal phasing at the intersection of Sunnybrook Blvd and 93rd Avenue
  • Restriped eastbound lanes between the I-205 northbound off-ramp and 97th Avenue to provide a right turn lane, bike lane and two through travel lanes

SE Stevens Road:

  • Extended bike lanes on the north side of Stevens Road to Sunnyside Road
  • Restriped westbound Sunnyside Road for a dedicated right-turn lane onto northbound Stevens Road
  • Restriped the Kaiser Sunnyside Medical Center driveway exit to provide two left-turn lanes onto westbound Sunnyside Road

I-205 Bridge and Interchange:

05 Bridge

  • Widened the bridge to add a 10-foot wide combined sidewalk and cycle track on each side
  • Installed new bridge railing and LED lights
  • Added a second right turn lane from the northbound I-205 off-ramp to eastbound Sunnyside Road
  • Added a third entrance lane onto the northbound I-205 on-ramp from Sunnyside Road



Funding was provided from the Clackamas Town Center Urban Renewal District. The total cost of the project is $23.795 million.

Department Staff
Terry Mungenast
Clackamas County Department of Transportation and Development


150 Beavercreek Road Room #225 Oregon City, OR 97045

Office Hours:

Monday to Thursday
8 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Available by phone/email
8 a.m. to 3 p.m.

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