Health Housing and Human Services

Health Housing and Human Services

Community Homelessness Advisory Board (CHAB)

The Community Homelessness Advisory Board (CHAB) advises the Board of County Commissioners (Board) on the county's homelessness response strategies with input from staff, the Housing Services Advisory Group, and other stakeholders. Recommendations from Members of the CHAB are advisory in nature and will not direct staff or the Board. Rather, their feedback will be considered in department and Board decision making on issues pertaining to homelessness.

The CHAB will meet quarterly by Zoom, on the third Thursdays in April, July, October, and January, for approximately 90 minutes. From time to time, the CHAB may elect to meet more frequently and/or in person, especially for special projects or as needs for increased coordination arise.


Decrease in homelessness from 2019 to 2023


People placed in permanent supportive housing*


People prevented from being evicted*

*Data from the second half of 2024

Our Members

We are currently recruiting members for this board.


At a glance...

Members: 9

Term: 3 years

Time commitment: 3-5 hours a month

Contact Dominique Donaho

Get involved!

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Clackamas County Stabilization Center

Short-term behavioral health support and recovery

If you're in a mental health crisis, please call 503-655-8585.

For information, visit our crisis and support webpage

The Challenge

Historically, Clackamas County community members experiencing a behavioral health crisis did not have enough support resources to get back on their feet. Behavioral health includes mental health and wellbeing, and related behavior may include substance addiction. Often, these community members draw the attention of law enforcement and are taken to jail or the emergency room. Emergency departments and local jails are not equipped to provide the type of support they need.

The Solution

Clackamas County and the Clackamas County Sheriff's Office are partnering in the development of a behavioral health stabilization and short-term care center.

The Clackamas County Stabilization Center will serve adults who are referred by law enforcement health providers, and mobile crisis responders. The Stabilization Center will be a comfortable and safe place for community members who need short-term support, coping skills and connections to resources to manage a crisis.


Building renovation is scheduled to start in late 2024. The program will open in Fall 2025.


July 30, 2024Policy Session: Stabilization Center Update and Program Design Plan


Department Staff
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Clackamas County Developmental Disabilities Resource Fair

The community is invited to the first Clackamas County Developmental Disabilities Resource Fair on June 22 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Clackamas Community College's Gregory Forum Rm G103, 19600 Molalla Ave. in Oregon City

Illustrations of different participants

We will have several community partners hosting tables with lots of resources and helpful information, raffle prizes, and goodies for the folks who attend. Join us for a lot of fun!

Come to meet representatives from…