Children, Family and Community Connections

Children, Family and Community Connections

Local Public Safety Coordinating Council (LPSCC)

LPSCC's intent is to create a continuum of sanctions and services for both juvenile and adult offenders that result in a seamless system that emphasizes the prevention of criminal activity and community safety.

Required membership on LPSCC includes the County Sheriff, County District Attorney, a State Court Judge, a Public Defender, Director of Community Corrections, a County Commissioner, Director of the local Juvenile Department, County Public Health Director, representatives of Oregon State Police, Oregon Youth Authority, City Government, as well as lay citizens.

LPSCC typically meets on a quarterly basis on the third Monday of the month from 12 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. 

Contact Elizabeth White at at 503-502-4087 for more information.

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Chair, Malcolm McDonaldDirector, CC Community Corrections
Eric BarerraClackamas Supervisor, Oregon Youth Authority
Emily BraultLay Citizen 
Sheriff Angela BrandenburgSheriff, Clackamas County Sheriff's Office
Rod CookDirector, CC Health, Housing & Human Services
Melissa ErlbaumED, Clackamas Women's Services (Victim Services Rep)
Adam FreerDirector, CC Children, Family & Community Connections Division
Judge Ann LiningerCircuit Court Judge, Clackamas County Circuit Court
Christina McMahanDirector, CC Juvenile Department
Mary RumbaughDirector, CC Behavioral Health Division 
Chief Luke StraitChief of Police, Milwaukie Police Department
Bruce TarboxDefense Attorney, Clackamas Indigent Defense Corp.
John WentworthDistrict Attorney
Commissioner Ben WestClackamas County Commissioner
(Staff) Elizabeth WhiteCC Children, Family & Community Connections Division

Children of Incarcerated Parents Workgroup (CIP)

There is increasing evidence at both state and national levels that the current system for addressing the issues facing children whose parents are incarcerated is failing to meet their needs. The CIP Workgroup was created as an official subcommittee of the Local Public Safety Coordinating Council to continue developing the system in order to more efficiently and effectively meet the needs of these vulnerable children and their families and to identify ways to fund Parenting Inside Out classes in Clackamas County on a long-term basis.

For additional information contact Sarah VanDyk at at 503-650-5680.

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Prevention and Positive Youth Development

Components of successful Positive Youth Development programming includes:

  • Physical and emotional safety
  • Social and emotional well being
  • Supportive relationships (with positive adult role models and with peers)
  • Opportunities for meaningful participation that lifts up youth voice
  • Opportunities for community engagement
  • Challenging and engaging learning experiences and skill development

Youth-focused prevention programs funded by the Children, Family and Community Connections Division are designed to integrate these basic components into services in order to promote school success and positive life outcomes.

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The Clackamas County Early Childhood Committee (CCECC)

Our focus is to support and advise the Clackamas County Early Learning Hub Council and improve the early learning system by creating more effective means of coordinating services across disciplines, through the implementation of the Clackamas Early Learning Hub Strategic Plan.

The committee is responsible for:

  • strengthening the development of parent advisory groups and increasing their engagement in the Clackamas Hub, CCELHC, work plan oversight, and program development and evaluation by identifying parent representatives
  • increasing the percentage enrolled in kindergarten before the start of school year
  • strengthening our communities with partnerships between numerous community groups, schools, and public or private organizations, with to share resources, traininge and collaborative opportunities
  • serving as advisers in planning, implementing, and assessing of state and federally funded program services
  • providing input and developing ideas for improving child care training support for providers and parents

Meetings are held the fourth Tuesday of each month, from 1:30-3:30.

Contact Us
Department Staff
Dani Stamm Thomas
Early Learning Hub Director
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Clackamas County Early Learning Hub Council Bylaws

Article I: Name

Section 1 The name of this organization is the Clackamas County Early Learning Hub Council (CCELHC).

Article II: Purpose

Section 1 Clackamas County Early Learning Hub Council (CCELHC) purpose is to convene partners and engage families in early childhood care and education to create a more coordinated system of services that will improve outcomes for Clackamas County's most at risk families. As the governance body for the Clackamas County Early Learning Hub, the council shall make all decisions of where to focus the work of the hub and the investments it makes. Its overarching goals are to ensure kindergarten readiness, stable and attached families and early learning system coordination in Clackamas County.

Clackamas County Early Learning Hub Council members acknowledge and strongly support family engagement and equity as key values underpinning its early learning work.

Mission To create a high quality early learning system that integrates and coordinates efforts to ensure all children are ready for Kindergarten, and reading at grade level by the end of the 3rd grade.

Article III: Membership

Section 1 Clackamas County Early Learning Hub Council may consist of up to 21 members all appointed by the current Council.

Section 2 Members of the Clackamas County Early Learning Hub Council will be appointed to terms of two years. The council may appoint for additional terms as needed.

Section 3 When a vacancy exists, the Co-Chairs shall appoint an Ad Hoc Nominations Committee to establish a list of candidates for Clackamas County Early Learning Hub Council approval.

Section 4 The Council members shall, at minimum have representation from the following key early learning decision makers: Parent, Education, Health, Social Services, Business, and CBOs.

Section 5 Appointments to the Clackamas County Early Learning Hub Council shall reflect the county's diverse populations and shall reflect expertise along the full spectrum of the developmental stages of a child, from the prenatal stage through 8 years of age. Membership shall include persons who have knowledge of the issues and needs of children and families in Clackamas County.

Section 6 Clackamas County Early Learning Hub Council members anticipating absence from official Council meetings shall notify and be excused by the Co-Chairs or her/his staff designee. After three consecutive absences the Co-Chairs will discuss the matter with the Council member in question. Co-Chairs will bring findings to the Executive Committee for recommendation to the full Council. A motion may be made declaring the position vacant due to a pattern of absenteeism. Upon a 2/3 affirmative vote, the position will be declared vacant, and shall be filled according to the provisions of this article.

Article IV: Officers

Section 1 The Co-Chairs of the Clackamas County Early Learning Hub Council shall be voted on by the current Council membership.

The appointed Co-Chairs shall serve for a two-year term, which begins on September 1 of each even-numbered year.

The Co-Chairs shall call and preside at meetings, establish work groups and committees, and may serve as an ex-officio member of all committees and task groups.

Article V: Committees and Task Groups

Section I Executive Committee. The following shall serve on this Committee: Council Co-Chairs, Chairs of Standing Committees of the Council, and a parent currently serving on the Council. Presiding officer shall be either of the Co-Chairs of the Council.

Meetings & Duties. The Executive Committee shall meet to develop and review agendas; review and approve requests from agencies and individuals wishing to come before the Council; recommend to the Council new or updated policies and procedures, and review and make recommendations on other items to come before the Council.

In between meetings & during those months the Council does not meet, the Executive Committee shall have general supervision of the affairs of the Council. Notice of items to come before the Executive Committee will be given to Council members. All decisions made by the Executive Committee shall be ratified by the Council at the next Council meeting.

Section II Other Committees.

The Council shall have the following Standing Committees:

  1. Clackamas County Early Childhood Committee. The mission of the Clackamas County Early Childhood Committee is to support and advise the Clackamas County Early Learning Hub Council and to improve the early learning system by creating more effective means of coordinating services across disciplines, through the implementation of the Clackamas Early Learning Hub Strategic Plan.

Section 2 Each Standing Committee shall establish separate bylaws. These bylaws shall conform to the Clackamas County Early Learning Hub Council Bylaws and shall be approved by the Council.

Section 3 Additional Clackamas County Early Learning Council committees and work groups may be appointed at the discretion of the Co-Chairs, shall continue until their purpose is completed.

Article VI: Meetings

Section 1 The Council shall hold a minimum of nine (9) regular business meetings per year. All meetings of the Clackamas County Early Learning Hub Council, its subcommittees and advisory committees shall be subject to the provisions of the Oregon Public meetings Law, ORS 192.610 to 192.690.

Section 2 Special meetings may be called by the Co-Chairs, or by any three members of the Council. There shall be three (3) business days notice.

Section 3 A quorum of the Council shall consist of a majority of appointed members. A majority of appointed members is needed to take any action. No proxies shall be allowed. Council members granted an approved leave of absence do not count toward the calculation of a quorum.

Article VII: Conflict of Interest

Section 1 It is the policy of the Clackamas County Early Learning Hub Council that members who have an actual conflict of interest, refrain from participating in discussion, debate or voting on the issue out of which the actual conflict arises.

  • Exception: If the vote is necessary to meet quorum needed to take official action, the council member with an actual conflict may vote, but must still refrain from any discussion or debate on the issue.

A declaration of potential or actual conflict of interest will be noted in the meeting summary. Meeting summaries shall include the outcome of each vote or action in which a conflict of interest was declared.


  1. Potential conflict of interest exists when a Council member takes any action or any decision or recommendation, the effect of which could be to the private financial benefit or detriment of the Council member, a relative, an associated business, organization or employer.
  2. Actual conflict of interest exists when a Council member takes any action or any decision or recommendation, the effect of which would be to the private financial benefit or detriment of the Council member, a relative, an associated business, organization or employer.
  3. Deliberation is discussion leading to a vote on funding or prior to a decision on funding, which either decides or limits alternatives or choices in funded activities. Deliberations include those taking place separate from voting process.

Article VIII: Parlimentary Procedurev

Section 1 The parliamentary procedure for meetings and operations of the Council shall be the responsibility of and within the authority of the Co-Chairs. Decision making will be reached by consensus. In the event that consensus cannot be reached, Robert's Rules of Order, Newly Revised, shall be followed.

Article IX: Precedence of State Law and County Ordinance

Section 1 In the event any provisions of these bylaws are in conflict with Oregon Revised Statutes, Oregon Administrative Rules, the ordinances or administrative policies of Clackamas County, these bylaws shall be subordinate.

Article X: Amendments

Section 1 These bylaws may be amended by 2/3 vote of the Council provided notice of the proposed amendment, including its full text, has been given in accordance with the notice requirements in Article VI of these Bylaws.

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Coffee Talk

Coffee Talk is a free, monthly interactive speaker series showcasing issues that impact residents of Clackamas County.

The event takes place every third Wednesday from 10 a.m. to noon, with no events scheduled during July and August.

Monthly speaker topics are listed below and will be updated with more details as event date approaches.

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Healthy Families Advisory Committee (HFAC)

This is an advisory committee of The Clackamas County Early Childhood Committee. It is made up of members who have a vested interest in early childhood programming, and either live or work in Clackamas County

They are responsible for:

  • providing input and direction to meet the standards of Healthy Families of America (HFA) related to outreach and screening for Healthy Families of Clackamas County (HFCC) services
  • serving as advisers in the planning, implementing, and assessing of HFCC program services
  • development and recommendation of HFCC policies and programmatic modifications to the Clackamas County Early Childhood Committee (CCECC)
  • monitoring, evaluating, and addressing quality assurance issues
  • reviewing and analyzing participant satisfaction with programmatic services
  • reviewing and analyzing HFCC program structure, developing programmatic recommendations
Contact Us
Department Staff
Beth Kersens
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