A business best practice guide to sustainable practices.
The practices outlined in this guide are steps your business can take toward resiliency and sustainability. This guide is simply a starting point, however. Ultimately, every business presents a unique situation that requires specific solutions tailored to its needs and circumstances.
Is your business seeking certification through Clackamas County’s Leaders in Sustainability program? Each practice in this guide aligns with a specific practice in the application and provides more context to help you understand and implement that practice or policy. Still, whether or not you are seeking certification, this guide is a resource for any business that wants to adopt more sustainable practices.
Clackamas County Sustainability Advisors support any business in adopting practices that conserve resources, reduce waste and help you advance along a path to sustainability. We can also help you comply with local recycling requirements for businesses. Wherever you are at — from just setting up recycling to renewing your Leaders in Sustainability certification at a higher level — or if you have specific questions about sustainable practices — don’t hesitate to get in touch with us at lis@clackamas.us .
We are here to be a resource for your success!
Table of Contents
Tools for long-term practices that lead to lasting culture change.
Help your organization manage materials and minimize waste.
Understand what materials are hazardous and learn how to handle them.
Conserve resources by using water efficiently and preventing pollution.
Operation and maintenance programs that enhance energy efficiency can save your business money.
Optimizing fuel efficiency and incentivizing transportation options can reduce traffic and pollution, while promoting healthier personal practices.
Help weave social responsibility and inclusion into your company culture.