For pre-construction stake out inspections, skip steps 1-3. Please make sure the stake out drawing has been submitted and call the IVR system for inspection.
- Install the septic system as indicated on the construction detail sheet, but do not backfill the system.
- Complete the Onsite Wastewater Installed Materials List and As-Built Form. Make sure the as-built drawing is signed by the installer of the septic system.
- Fax to 503 742-4550 or email (PDF format to the Onsite Wastewater Installed Materials List, As-Built Form, Certificate of Existing System Decommissioning (if required), and Pump Receipt (if required) to 503-742-4599 before 6 a.m. of the day the inspection is requested.
- Call the IVR inspection line at 503-742-4720 before 6 a.m. and follow the steps listed on the back of your permit/receipt.