Road System Overview

Statistics on Clackamas County's Road System.

Road Conditions 2019

Road Condition By Miles

Condition 2019
Very Good 976
Good 272
Poor 101
Very poor 58
Total 1407*

*The remaining 6 miles are gravel

County Road System: 1,413 Miles

331 Urban Road Miles
1,076 Rural Road Miles

Maintenance Responsibilities

  • 700 miles of striping
  • 180 bridges
  • More than 2,400 miles of gravel shoulder
  • More than 27,100 traffic signs
  • 1,885 manholes
  • 9,330 catch basins
  • 8,130 culverts and storm sewers
  • 110,760 feet of guardrail
  • 250 miles of mechanical brushing
  • 2,500 curb miles of street sweeping


Transportation Services Building, 19246 Wacheno Parkway Oregon City, OR 97045

Office Hours:

Monday to Thursday 
7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.

After Hours: 