Hearing and Security Policy

Conflicts of Interest

It is the policy of the Clackamas County Property Value Appeals Board that its members declare any potential or actual conflicts of interest, pursuant to ORS Chapter 244 before the consideration of any issue before the Board.

Hearing Schedules

Hearings are meetings during which the PVAB hears and reviews evidence regarding Real Property, Personal Property or waiver of late filing petitions filed with Property Value Appeals Board. 

It is the policy of the Clackamas County Property Value Appeals Board that hearings scheduled for a specific date and time will be heard only at the date and time scheduled if the petitioner has marked “yes” they will attend the hearing. However, if the board receives notice that the petitioner is not going to show up for their designated time, the board may review a petition at their convenience as the schedule allows. The board will also review petitions that are marked “no” for attendance at their convenience as the schedule allows.

Rescheduling is not allowed, you may write down on your petition dates you will be unavailable for consideration. The petitioner may submit any additional evidence up to the date and time of the hearing. The petitioner may also have an Authorized Representative present evidence. It is the responsibility of the petitioner to notify the Board of any Authorized Representatives coming before the Board.

Evidence Reminder

  • If the petitioner chooses not to submit evidence because it will not be returned, the Board cannot consider the evidence when making its decision.
  • Submit 5 copies of any evidence you would like admitted. The center bottom of all pages will include a page number for easy reference by the board, hand written page numbers are acceptable.   
    (If you need the County Clerk to make copies, they will cost $0.25 per black and white page). 

Audio/Visual evidence must be sent to the PVAB in advance to be considered for presentation in a public forum. All evidence presented becomes part of the record.

It is in your best interest to submit evidence in advance of your hearing; 10 days in advance is recommended. Evidence turned in right before a hearing may cause the Assessor to request that your hearing be changed to a later date. 

Hearing Procedures 

Hearings before the Board will be 15 to 20 minutes in duration depending on how many petitions are have received. The PVAB Chair may extend the presentation period if the Chair feels the Board will benefit from the extension, and if the schedule allows. Petitioners will not address the Assessor’s staff or representative. Petitions are heard whether the petitioner requested to attend the hearing or not. 

Conference calls to the hearing will only be allowed in the event of a death which prevents the petitioner or their representative from appearing; or if the petitioner is a verified distance of more than 50 miles away from the Clackamas County Clerk’s Office.

Decorum and Security

All participants are expected to observe respectful behavior and decorum during all Clackamas County Property Value Appeals Board hearings. Anyone acting in a disruptive, disorderly or threatening manner, or using profanity, will be asked to voluntarily leave the meeting, and the hearing will be concluded, rescheduled, or postponed at the Board’s discretion. 

If an individual continues to behave in a disorderly or disruptive manner, and refuses to voluntarily leave the meeting, then the Chair may request a law enforcement officer to escort the individual from the hearing. Oregon City Police Officers are on hand for just such an event. Please be courteous, respectful, and remain focused on the topic of property valuation.

During the hearing

  • All materials or exhibits presented by the petitioner must be left with the Board.
  • All decisions are final. It is the Board’s policy that after the Board has voted, the hearing is concluded. No further discussion of the petition will be permitted. Appeals can be made to the State Magistrate and those instructions will be included with the PVAB Board Order.

Clerical Errors

It is the policy of the Clackamas County Property Value Appeals Board to authorize the Board Clerk to make corrections to orders for the purpose of correcting clerical errors.

Petitions filed timely or received after deadline

Petitions received by the Clackamas County Property Value Appeals will be accepted through e-mail, fax, mail, or hand delivered by the filing deadline of Jan. 2, 2024. Please keep in mind, the petitioner is responsible for five (5) copies of any evidence you would like admitted to the record.  (If you need the Clerk to make copies, they will cost $0.25 per black and white page).

It is the policy of the Clackamas County Property Value Appeals Board that in the event a petition is received after the filing deadline and/or while the Board is in session, that the PVAB Clerk shall not accept the petition. Appeals can be made to the Magistrate Division of the Oregon Tax Court.


Should the petition be mailed Dec. 31, the petition signed by Dec. 31, and post marked Dec. 31; the petition will be considered timely filed. Petitions faxed or emailed will present the date and time of receipt as evidenced by the Clackamas County computer network. Petitions received after the filing deadline of Dec. 31 that do not have an acceptable timestamp will be marked “Late” and the petitioner will have to present evidence to the board that the petition was timely filed before the petition will be advanced to a petition hearing.

For better understanding of Property Taxes in Oregon/Measure 50, please watch

OregonLive: “Confused by your Oregon Property tax bill?”

Department Staff
Michael Newgard
Board Clerk


1710 Red Soils Ct., Suite 100 Oregon City, OR 97045

Office Hours:

Monday to Thursday
8:30 a.m.to 5 p.m.

8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m.