Health officials identify measles cases in Clackamas County


Health officials have identified cases of measles in Clackamas County, with possible exposures in Marion County. There are no known public Clackamas County or Marion County exposures at this time. People may have been exposed at healthcare facilities in Multnomah County, but the risk is low because appropriate precautions were taken. See the Oregon Health Authority news release for details.

About measles

How does measles spread? 
Measles spreads through the air when someone with the virus coughs or sneezes. People with measles can spread it from four days before to four days after the rash appears. The virus can stay in the air for up to two hours after an infected person leaves the area. 


Who is at risk? 
Most people in Oregon are vaccinated and are not at risk. 

Risk is high for people who are not vaccinated and have been exposed to measles. Measles can be very serious, and even lead to death. It is especially serious for young children, people who are pregnant and people with weakened immune systems. 


What are the symptoms? 

  • Fever  
  • Cough  
  • Runny nose  
  • Red eyes  
  • Rash starting on the face and spreading  


What should you do if you think you have measles or have been exposed to measles? 

If you think you have been exposed to measles or have measles symptoms, call your healthcare provider right away. Do not show up without calling first. Please also call Clackamas County Public Health at 503-655-8411. 


How can you protect yourself? 

The measles vaccine is very safe and effective at preventing measles. If you’re not vaccinated for measles and want to be, or not sure if you’re vaccinated for measles, you can call 503-988-8939 for help.  

If you are not vaccinated for measles, it is very important to avoid people who have been exposed to measles or who have measles symptoms. 


For more information about measles, visit