Clackamas County Applies for PRO Housing Grant: Public Comment Open


The Clackamas County Housing and Community Development Division, in partnership with the City of Milwaukie as a subrecipient, is applying for $6.5 million in Pathways to Removing Obstacles to Housing (PRO Housing) funding from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) by directly funding three projects that will deliver needed affordable housing: 

  • $3.5 million to fund Phase 2 of the Hillside Park Redevelopment, an approximately 225-unit affordable housing project in predevelopment, 
  • $2.0 million to fund the acquisition of up to 15 homes located in the City of Milwaukie for affordable homeownership through a community land trust, 
  • and $1.0 million to the City of Milwaukie as a subrecipient to fund predevelopment work for the Sparrow Street project, a 1.98-acre property purchased by the City of Milwaukie for affordable housing.

This application will address three key barriers to affordable housing production: lack of available land for multifamily housing in the City of Milwaukie, limited public subsidy for affordable housing production and preservation, and lack of affordable homeownership opportunities.

The draft application can be found here. 

Provide public comment by Friday October 11, 2024 to: 

Andrew Crampton, Senior Housing Developer 

or via mail to 

P.O. Box 1510, 13930 Gain St., Oregon City, OR 97045