Annual garbage and recycling service fee increase




Simplified Chinese




Every year, Clackamas County reviews collection costs for garbage and recycling services in unincorporated areas. The costs for garbage and recycling are impacted by many factors including rising labor costs, the need to purchase trucks and other equipment, and regional factors like disposal costs charged to garbage and recycling companies. Due to these rising costs, this year it was necessary to enact a fee increase.

The fee increase, that was effective beginning Aug. 1, 2024, for households and businesses is described below:

  • Household collection: Service for household garbage and recycling in your area increased by approximately $1.95-$2.00 per month. Note: Most collectors bill two months at a time.
  • Business collection: Service for businesses increased by $1.30 per yard per pickup per month. 
    For example, a 4-yard container picked up twice a week will increase by $45.03 a month (calculation: $1.30 x 4 yards x 2 collections per week x 4.33 [52 weeks/12 months] weeks per month).

Questions or concerns? Call your garbage and recycling company for billing and collection service information. For additional questions or concerns, contact the Sustainability & Solid Waste Program at 503-557-6363 or

Clackamas County’s role in your garbage and recycling service

The Sustainability & Solid Waste program oversees garbage and recycling collection for unincorporated areas of Clackamas County, Happy Valley and Barlow to ensure residents and businesses receive timely service at a reasonable cost. This includes determining service options and collection fees. Find details about these fees and options.

Clackamas County also provides education and technical assistance to residents, businesses and workplaces, schools, and events throughout our community to reduce waste, conserve resources, recycle effectively and adopt more sustainable practices. Learn more about how to right-size your garbage service, what your disposal options are and more.

Questions? We’re here to help. Connect with our Clackamas County Sustainability & Solid Waste team at 503-557-6363 or

English: 2024 garbage and recycling fee increase letter

español: Carta de incremento en la tarifa de basura y reciclaje para 2024

русский: Письмо о повышении стоимости услуг по вывозу и переработке отходов в 2024 году 

简体中文: 2024 年垃圾与回收费上调通知书

tiếng Việt: Thư thông báo tăng phí thu gom rác thải và tái chế năm 2024

한국어: 2024년 쓰레기 및 재활용 수수료 인상 안내 서신

ภาษาไทย: หนังสือเพิ่มค่าธรรมเนียมเก็บขยะและรีไซเคิลปี 2024