Clackamas Water Environment Services rate adjustments effective July 1, 2024

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Clackamas Water Environment Services (WES) conducts an annual budget process to plan for operating expenses, debt, and capital investments. This process establishes sewer and surface water rates for the upcoming fiscal year while aligning with WES’ needs and priorities. The fiscal year (FY) 2024-25 budget supports ongoing operational needs by achieving initiatives in WES’ Strategic Plan, delivering projects in WES’ Capital Improvement Plan, and fulfilling WES’ long-term financial planning objectives. These objectives ensure WES continues to protect public health and the environment by updating aging infrastructure, supporting community growth, and providing cost-effective services to ratepayers.

The FY 2024-25 budget reflects our commitment to fiscal responsibility and is demonstrated by delivering meaningful outcomes for our community. Our strategic vision guides each decision we make in our pursuit to build a resilient clean water future where all people benefit and rivers thrive.

The FY 2024-25 budget includes the following increases to the monthly rates:

  • Wastewater Treatment Rate (Rate Zones 1 and 2): $1.40 
  • Wastewater Local Collection Rate (Rate Zone 2): $0.75
  • Surface Water Management Rate (Rate Zone 2): $0.45
  • Surface Water Management Rate (Rate Zone 3): $0.25

For customers in Rate Zone 2, the wastewater rate increase is partially offset by decreases in the amounts charged to pay for past debt.

WES Rate Zones and FY 2024-25 Rate Increases FAQ
View the WES 2024-25 Budget 

Clackamas Water Environment Services produces clean water, protects water quality and recovers renewable resources. We do this by providing wastewater services, stormwater management, and environmental education. It's our job to protect public health and support the vitality of our communities, natural environment and economy.