From transportation to in-home care and energy assistance, Clackamas County Social Services offers a range of services for older adults and people with physical disabilities to support independence and quality of life. Help us decide what types of programs to offer in the future by taking our Community Needs survey by April 15.
From the last survey conducted in 2019, the county learned that older adults needed more transportation options. In response, we launched #ClackCo Connects, a free shuttle service that gives rides to people in areas that buses don’t reach, connecting hard-to-reach areas with regional transit.
“The insight gained from this survey helps us tailor relevant services to our ever-changing communities,” said Jeanie Butler, Older Adult Services Program Manager.
The survey takes about 10-15 minutes to complete and covers a range of topics focusing on quality of life, access to resources, housing and mental health. The county is most interested in hearing from the older adult community, as well as their caregivers and loved ones.
This survey is part of the county’s Area Plan, work the county does every four years to identify needs and create a long-range plan for addressing these issues. Social Services staff will report their findings online and in person this fall.
To request printed surveys, contact Jennifer Much Grund at or 971-865-1950.
The survey is also available in Spanish and Russian.
To access Clackamas County Social Services programs and services, contact the Clackamas County Aging and Disability Resource Connection at 503-650-5622.
Servicios Sociales del Condado de Clackamas quiere conocer su opinión
Los Servicios Sociales del Condado de Clackamas ofrecen programas y servicios para apoyar la independencia y la calidad de vida de adultos mayores y personas con discapacidades. Cada cuatro años, nos dirigimos a la comunidad para averiguar qué es importante para usted. El personal de Servicios Sociales y el Consejo Consultor de Servicios para Adultos Mayores usará los resultados de esta encuesta para decidir qué tipos de programas pueden ofrecer hasta 2028.
Опрос социальных служб для пожилых людей округа Клакамас, 2024 г
Социальная служба округа Клакамас предоставляет программы и услуги, направленные на поддержку независимости и качества жизни пожилых и лиц с ограниченными возможностями здоровья. Каждые четыре года мы обращаемся к местному населению, чтобы узнать о ваших приоритетах. Сотрудники социальных служб и члены Консультативного совета по проблемам старения будут использовать результаты этого опроса, чтобы решить, какие программы предлагать до 2028 года включительно.