Community, businesses needed to help guide Sunrise Corridor Community Vision process

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OREGON CITY, Or. -- Clackamas County is leading a planning effort to work with area residents and businesses in the Sunrise Corridor Community to develop a vision for a healthier, more livable community, with accessible green spaces and safe travel options for all.

Two community groups will help guide this planning process and help shape the future of the corridor. Clackamas County is asking individuals who would like to participate to submit an interest form by Dec. 1, 2023. If financial support is needed to participate, stipends may be available.

  • Steering Committee – A total of 20 community and business representatives with diverse corridor interests and lived experiences, including one representative from our partner agencies, will help develop and make recommendations on project elements such as a health, equity, anti-displacement, economic growth, land use and transportation. Submit interest form for the Steering Committee.
  • Leadership Cohort – A small group of people interested in learning leadership skills will serve as project liaisons. This group will develop knowledge and provide feedback on key project elements. Submit interest form for the Leadership Cohort.

The Sunrise Corridor Community is nestled in a valley between the Clackamas River on the south, forested low hills (including Mt. Talbert and the bluff) to the north, I-205 to the west and 172nd Avenue to the east. It is home to 8,500 residents and to 800 businesses with more than 14,000 employees.

This visioning process is funded through a legislative grant to deeply engage with community and to study current conditions, growth forecasts and develop plans for future investment options in the area. The county’s planning partners include the city of Happy Valley, Oregon Department of Transportation, Metro and TriMet.

Learn more about the Sunrise Corridor Community Vision project.