County lifting evacuation advisory for affected Otty Road buildings

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Clackamas County is lifting the evacuation advisory for the two buildings at 8810 and 8820 Otty Road, which had previously been under such an advisory. 

Air monitoring tests from multiple units in the apartment buildings, as well as outside, have all registered below any level of concern for excess asbestos presence. (Low presence of asbestos in the environment is normal.) Testing in one unit is still unclear due to the presence of pet hair/dander. 

While this is good news related to the air testing, testing remains ongoing for particles on surfaces inside the building units. Tests involving internal surface wipes to look for asbestos presence in dust are still pending, and the county does not anticipate securing those results until Wednesday or Thursday. DEQ and EPA representatives have visually inspected inside the buildings as well.

Given all the information that Clackamas County has collected, Clackamas County Public Health believes the risk of significant asbestos in these surface tests will be low, and no longer warrants a recommendation that keeps people out of their homes. 

If they feel unsafe, residents of the two buildings previously under evacuation advisories are encouraged to shelter elsewhere if more comfortable. Clackamas County is coordinating to secure short-term shelter options for such affected individuals, and affected building inhabitants can coordinate that by calling 2-1-1. 

Cleanup of fire debris has started, including the streets surrounding the buildings. 

Other cleanup

Ash and debris in the area remains a concern, due to the potential hazardous materials from the fire (asbestos). The county is aware that ash may be resting on the streets, private property and elsewhere in surrounding areas. This could extend up to one mile away in some directions.

It's not advised to clean ash or debris up yourself. Please contact the county at with specific details about the location and debris. If you see ash or debris, keep children and pets away until it has been cleaned.

The public is encouraged to monitor updates at