Clackamas County adopts revised accessibility requirements starting Sept. 7


New requirements in the Public Right-of-Way Accessibility Guidelines (PROWAG) were recently approved by the US Access Board. These requirements exist under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) to set national standards for access to sidewalks and streets, crosswalks, curb ramps, pedestrian signals, parking, and other components of public rights-of-way as well as shared use paths for use by bicyclists and pedestrians for transportation and recreation purposes.
New construction projects will need to comply with all new and existing requirements while projects altering existing facilities will need to comply with the requirements unless it is not possible to do so because of a physical barrier. 

New guidelines will affect the following facilities in both public rights-of-way and private property: 

  • Curb ramps
  • Traffic signals
  • Pedestrian crossing treatments at multi-lane roundabouts and channelized turn lanes
  • Crosswalks at intersections and mid-block
  • Curb tight sidewalks
  • Driveways that have yield, stop or signal traffic control 
  • Parking

Read full documentation of the new accessibility guidelines. These requirements go into effect Thursday, Sept. 7, 2023. 

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