At a land use hearing on Sept. 28, 2022, the Clackamas County Board of Commissioners approved moving forward the Damascus Mobility Plan (ZDO-284). Once finally approved, the plan will be adopted into the county’s Comprehensive Plan:
The plan was developed after nearly a year of study and public input that began in summer 2021. It identifies roadway improvements needed to enhance safety, equity, and mobility for the traveling public in the unincorporated Damascus area over the next 20 years. The plan, which focused primarily on passenger and freight vehicle travel, was developed based on existing land use and zoning designations in the area.
The final plan addresses gaps in the 2013 Clackamas County Transportation System Plan (TSP) for unincorporated areas that were in the former City of Damascus by:
- Identifying 21 road and intersection improvement projects to address congestion and safety needs
- Addressing congestion and safety issues at key intersections along the OR 212 corridor between SE 187th Avenue and SE 242nd Avenue, and incorporate ODOT proposed improvements to the OR 212 intersections
- Coordinating with other county planning efforts for the area that identify the needs of people walking, riding bikes and taking transit
For more information, check the project website at