Clackamas County Money Management Program (MMP) Spending Request Form

This form is used for requesting funds outside of the client’s spending plan.

For questions or assistance, please contact us at or 503- 650-5623.

Indicates required field

Vendor purchase receipts are required if amount is $200 or more.

Payable to:

Requires Payee Disbursement Receipt signed by Client and returned to our office.

Delivery Options
Mail to:

This information is to be filled out by the person submitting the request.

TIMELINE: Requests submitted before Monday at 8 a.m. will be processed for payment on Wednesday of the same week. If client has a debit card, it will be funded the following Monday. For requests received after the deadline, the funds will be processed the following week.

I will upload my file(s): (Allowed: Image files pdf, jpg, png, gif)
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