Hearings Officer: Z0444-23 - May 2, 2024


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Phone: 253-215-8782

Appellant: Hoodland CPO

Applicant: Robert Stinson

Property Owner: Hoodcourse LLC

Proposal: This is an appeal of a decision to approve the following proposal: The applicant is requesting to modify a previously approved land use decision. A Conditional Use permit was approved in August of 2021 (land use file Z0165-21) which authorized adding 26 new manufactured home spaces to the existing Hoodcourse Acres manufactured home park.

The applicant is requesting to modify the original approval and is asking to replace those permitted 26 additional manufactured dwelling spaces with recreational vehicle (RV) or travel trailer spaces instead. The applicant states that the recreational vehicle (RV) spaces will be for long-term stays rather than short term/campground style RVs. The most recent land use approval (file Z0165-21) established that there were 69 manufactured home spaces and 15 RV spaces, and then that land use application authorized adding 26 more manufactured home (MH) spaces, for a total of 95 MH spaces and 15 RV spaces. This land use proposal will result in there being a total of 69 MH spaces and 41 RV spaces

Planning Director’s Initial Decision: Approved, with condition

Applicable Zoning and Development Ordinance and Comprehensive Plan Criteria: 202, 317, 825, 1307, and 1309.

These criteria may be viewed online

Site Address: 25297 E Welches Rd., Welches, OR 97067

Assessor’s Map: T3S, R7E, Section 05AD, Tax Lot(s) 00100, W.M.

Property Size: Approximately 15 acres

Zoning: Mountain Recreational Resort (MRR)