Applicant: Christopher Wiberg
Property Owner: Christopher Wiberg
Proposal: Home Occupation Exception that proposes to provide office space, meeting space and storage for construction company and project management company. The exceptions requested are to ZDO 822.04 (B), and (L)(1) and (3), since the applicant is proposing the use of 3,500 square feet of accessory building floor space for 15 employees with 15 cars coming to the site to work with the home occupant.
Applicable Zoning and Development Ordinance Criteria: Sections 202, 316, 1307, 822, 1006, and 1007.
These criteria may be viewed online
Site Address and/or Location: 25028 NE Airport Rd, Aurora, 97002
Assessor’s Map: T03S, 01RW, Section 25, Tax Lot(s) 800 and 804, W.M.
Property Size: Approximately 19 acres within the two tax lots
Zoning: Rural Residential Farm Forest 5-Acre (RRFF-5)