Hearings Officer: Files Z0571-22-F & Z0572-22-F -April 20, 2023


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Phone: 253-215-8782

Appellant/applicant: Michael Gregory

Property owner: Gregory Management LLC

Proposal: Appeal of Construction of two (2) new single-family residences in the floodplain of the Sandy River.

Planning Director’s Initial Decision: Approved with Conditions

Applicable Zoning and Development Ordinance and Comprehensive Plan Criteria: 202, 316, 703, 1007.03, 1307. 
These criteria may be viewed online

Site address and/or location: 64285 & 64293 E Brightwood Loop Road

Assessor’s map: Assessor’s Map and Tax Lots #: T2S R7E Section 30BC Tax Lots 00202 and 03000, W.M.

Total property / site size: Approximately 6.77 acres

Zoning: Recreational Residential (RR)