Senate District 20 Meeting (Virtual Only) - Feb. 1, 2021

Joint Meeting of Clackamas and Marion County Commissioners

To fill the vacancy for Oregon Senate District 20

  1. Welcome, Introductions and Overview of Process - Chair Smith
    1. Vice-Chair Bethell - Marion County Statement
  2. Public comment (20 Minutes)
    Constituents will get 1 minute per person for comments.
  3. Opening statement
    Proceeding alphabetically each nominee will get 2 minutes for an opening statement.
  4. Questions from Commissioners
    Commissioners will ask four questions (two from each board) to each nominee.  Nominees will have 2 minutes to respond.
  5. Closing statements
    Proceeding alphabetically each nominee will get 2 minutes for a closing statement.
  6. Deliberation
    Commissioners will each be given time to make statements.
  7. Roll Call Vote
    Alphabetically (Vice Chair Bethell and Chair Smith last)
  8. Closing Statement - Chair Smith