Issues & Updates - Sept. 10, 2024


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For these updates, the following governing bodies will be convened:

  • Development Agency 
  • Board of County Commissioners


Development Agency

Requests for Consent Agenda

  1. Approval of a Funding Agreement with Conveyco Manufacturing Company for the installation of gates on Clackamas Road. Total value is $50,000 for one year. Funding through Clackamas Industrial Area funds.  No County General Funds are involved.

Board of County Commissioners

Requests for Consent Agenda


  1. Approval of an Intergovernmental Agreement with Linn County Juvenile Department for emergency fee-for-service juvenile detention beds. Agreement value is $255,500 for 2 years. Funding is through budgeted County General Funds.
  2. Approval of an Intergovernmental Agreement with Northern Oregon Regional Correctional Facility for emergency fee-for-service juvenile detention beds. Agreement value is $285,120 for 2 years. Funding is through budgeted County General Funds. 
  3. Approval of Amendment #1 to Intergovernmental Agreement with the Oregon Youth Authority for expunction of juvenile records. Amendment value is $211,098.80 and 2 years, agreement value is increased to $452,706.60 for 4 years. Funding is through the Oregon Youth Authority. No County General Funds are involved.

Health, Housing, & Human Services

  1. Approval of Amendment #7 extending the term and increasing funding to an Intergovernmental Agreement with Clackamas Fire District #1 for Ambulance Services. Amendment value is $153,305.28 for 12 months. Total agreement value increased to $1,278,824.69 for 12 years. Funding is through the cost savings program with American Medical Response Northwest. No County General Funds are involved.
  2. Approval of Amendment #3 extending the term and increasing funding to a Revenue Intergovernmental Revenue Agreement with Clackamas Fire District #1 for Medical Direction Services. Amendment value is $72,000 for 12 months. Agreement value increased to $288,000 for 4 years. No County General Funds are involved.
  3. Approval of a Personal Services Contract with Transcending Hope for the operations and supportive services of the temporary and transitional behavioral health housing program. Contract value is $369,176.60 for 10 months. Funding is through the Oregon Health Authority. No County General Funds are involved.
  4. Approval of a Federal Subrecipient Grant Agreement with Cascadia Health for Residential Treatment Services. Agreement value is $115,000 for 18 months. Funding is through the Oregon Health Authority. No County General Funds are involved.
  5. Approval of a Federal Subrecipient Grant Agreement with ColumbiaCare Services, Inc. for Residential Treatment Services. Agreement value is $555,000 for 18 months. Funding is through the Oregon Health Authority. No County General Funds are involved.
  6. Approval of Amendment #6 to an Intergovernmental Agreement with the Oregon Health Authority for financing of Community Mental Health, Addiction Treatment, Recovery & Prevention, and Problem Gambling Services.  Amendment value is $2,000 for 3 months.  Agreement value increased to $17,566,033.35 for 18 months.  Funding is through the Oregon Health Authority.  No County General Funds are involved.
  7. Approval of a Revenue Agreement with Oregon Health Authority for participation in the Alternative Payment Methodology and Advanced Care Model Program. Estimated total value is $9,600,000 for 2 years. Funding is through the Oregon Health Authority. No County General Funds are involved.
  8. Approval of Amendment #2 increasing the value of a Cooperation Agreement with Clackamas Service Center for the West Building Expansion Project. Amendment value is $250,000 for approximately 2 months. Agreement value is increased to $1,200,000 for approximately 3 years. Funding is through U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development Community Development Block Grant funds. No County General Funds are involved.
  9. Approval of Federal Grant Agreement from the US Department of Housing and Urban Development for the Housing Our Families Program. Agreement Value is $223,000 for 1 year. Funding is through a US Department of Housing and Urban Development grant with match funding of $50,451 from the Oregon Department of Housing and Community Services and $2,630 of budgeted County General Funds. 
  10. Approval of Amendment # 1 to an Intergovernmental Grant Agreement with the Oregon Department of Human Services for Older Americans Act and Oregon Project Independence. Amendment value is $1,389,376.55 for 3 years. Agreement value is increased to $9,552,196.55 for 5 years. Funding is through the US Department of Health and Human Services and the State of Oregon. No County General Funds are involved.
  11. Approval of Amendment # 1 to a Subrecipient Agreement with the Senior Citizens Council of Clackamas County for older adult services. Amendment value is $179,550 for 1 year. Agreement value increased to $350,550 for two years. Funding is through the federal Older Americans Act and $99,965 of budgeted County General Funds.
  12. Approval of Amendment #1 to an Intergovernmental Grant Agreement with the Oregon Department of Health and Human Services for the Oregon Senior Medicare Patrol State Project Grant for Medicare consumer education. Amendment value is $19,500 for 1 year. Agreement value is $38,000 for two years. No County General Funds are involved.

Transportation & Development

  1. Approval of a Supplemental Project Authorization with the Oregon Department of Transportation for the Conway Creek at Aschoff Road culvert replacement. Total agreement value is $1,862,900. Funding is through the US Department of Transportation Culvert Aquatic Organism Passage Program and County Road Funds.  No County General Funds are involved.
  2. Approval to Quitclaim a Permanent Easement for Road Purposes to Oregon Department of Transportation. No fiscal impact. No County General Funds are involved.
  3. Approval of a Public Improvement Contract with One Way Trigger, LLC, for the 2024 Asphalt Rubber Cape Seal Package. Total value is $588,147.80. Funding is through County HB2017 Funds. No County General Funds are involved.

Technology Services

  1. Approval of Contract with the City of Sandy for Clackamas Broadband eXchange storage space. Total value is $9,980 for 16 months. Funding is through the Clackamas Broadband eXchange ARPA Broadband Expansion Fund. No County General Funds are involved.