Issues & Updates - May 21, 2024


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For these updates, the following governing bodies will be convened:

  • Housing Authority of Clackamas County
  • Clackamas Water Environment Services
  • Clackamas County Development Agency
  • Board of County Commissioners


Housing Authority of Clackamas County

Requests for Consent Agenda

  1. Approval of Resolution 1987 Acknowledging the Fiscal Year 2023 Audit Findings and Approving the Plan of Corrective Action to address the findings in Accordance with ORS 297.466. No fiscal impact. No County General Funds are involved.

Clackamas Water Environment Services

Requests for Consent Agenda

  1. Approval of Amendment #1 to a Contract with Jacobs Engineering Group, Inc. for Sanitary Sewer Master Plan consulting to add the Richardson Creek Basin and the Country Village area in Oregon City to the Sanitary Sewer Master Plan. Amendment Value is $173,125, contract value is now increased to $472,761. Funding through WES Sanitary Sewer Operating Funds. No County General Funds are involved.

Clackamas County Development Agency

Requests for Consent Agenda

  1. Approval of an Intergovernmental Agreement with Clackamas River Water relating to the SE Monroe Street Improvement project. Total value is a maximum of approximately $1,426,616. Funding is through Clackamas River Water. No County General Funds are involved.

Board of County Commissioners

Requests for Consent Agenda


  1. Approval of a Resolution Acknowledging the Fiscal Year 2023 Audit Findings and Approving the Plan of Corrective Action to address the findings in Accordance with ORS 297.466. No fiscal impact. No County General Funds are involved.

Clackamas 911 (CCOM)

  1. Approval to Apply for Congressionally Directed Spending Grant Award to fund Clackamas 911 enhanced incident response projects. Grant value is $750,000 over 3 years, with a $250,000 match through Clackamas 911 member agencies. Funding is through the US Department of Homeland Security. No County General Funds are involved.

Transportation & Development

  1. Approval of an Intergovernmental Agreement with the Clackamas County Fair Board for project management and funding of the new fairground and event center multiuse building. Agreement value is $5,077,777. Funding is through County-allocated ARPA Funds and Business Oregon grant funds. No County General Funds are involved.

Disaster Management

  1. Approval of an Intergovernmental Agreement with Clackamas Community College for repair of sidewalk damaged during operation of the warming shelter in January. Total value is $200,000. Funding is through Metro Supportive Housing Services Measure funds. No County General Funds are involved.

Health, Housing, & Human Services

  1. Approval of a revenue agreement with Oregon Department of Transportation for Operations of the Mt Hood Express. Agreement value is $500,000 for two years. Funding is through Statewide Transportation Improvement Funds. No County General Funds are involved.
  2. Approval to apply for a grant from Health Share for Community Capacity Building Funds to implement the Medicaid Section 1115 Demonstration Waiver housing supports benefit in Clackamas County. Anticipated grant value is $1,600,000 for 18 months. Funding is through a Federal grant. No County General Funds are involved.
  3. Approval to Apply for a Grant with the Federal Health Resources & Services Administration for Behavioral Health Service Expansion. Total possible value is $1,100,000 for 2 Years. Funding through Health Resources & Services Administration. No County General Funds are involved.