County Administrator Issues/Updates - March 22, 2022

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For these Updates, the following governing bodies will be convened:

  • Water Environment Services Board
  • Board of County Commissioners


Water Environment Services Board

Requests for Consent Agenda

  1. Approval of a Contract with Murraysmith, Inc. for Contract #5222 – RFP 2019- 55, for the Intertie 2 Pump Station Expansion and Force Main Project.
    The purpose of the project is to expand pumping capacity to accommodate future peak flows. Contract value is $1,100,708 funded through WES Capital Improvement Funds. No County General Funds are involved.

Board of County Commissioners


Requests for Consent Agenda

Health, Housing & Human Services

  1. Approval of Subrecipient Grant Amendment #1 with Todos Juntos to expand PreventNet Community School drug and alcohol prevention services in Rural Clackamas County to include Sandy and Estacada.
    Grant Amendment is fully funded by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). Amendment has a value of $91,078 for a maximum award of $281,078. No County General funds are involved – CFCC
  2. Approval of Subrecipient Agreement Amendment # 3 with Clackamas County Circuit Court to increase staff time for Protective Order and Support Services at the Family Justice Center.
    Grant amendment is fully funded by U.S. Department of Justice, Office on Violence Against Women Improving Criminal Justice Response Grant. Amendment #3 has a value of $9,976 for a maximum award of $235,415. No County General funds are involved. – CFCC
  3. Approval of the Non-Federal Subrecipient Agreement with the Clackamas County Children's Commission for the Help Me Grow Program.
    The funds will pay for a cross-systems team. Funding is provided by Providence Health & Services Oregon Grant. Contract maximum value is $87,000. No County General Funds are involved. – Public Health
  4. Approval of an Intergovernmental Agreement #159475, Amendment 04 with the State of Oregon, Department of Human Services, Aging and People with Disabilities Division for the Provision of the Oregon Money Management Program in Clackamas County.
    This Amendment adds $119,292.30 bringing the total value to $770,024.79 funded by the State of Oregon. No County General Funds are involved. – Social Services
  5. Approval of Amendment #1 to an Agreement with Oregon Department of Transportation, Rail and Public Transit Division, for 5339 Bus and Bus Facilities Funds for purchase of Replacement Vehicle Funding for Mt Hood Express and Transportation Reaching People.
    Total Contract value remains $304,300, amendment extends contract through December 31, 2023 and adds no new revenue. No County General Funds are involved. – Social Services
  6. Approval of an amendment to the Research Subaward Agreement with Oregon Health Science University (OHSU) for Institutional Review Board (IRB) study.
    Total value is up to $219,419.00. Funding through Oregon Health and Science University. County General Funds are not involved. – Health Centers
  7. Approval of Amendment #3 to the Subrecipient Agreement with Northwest Family Services (NWFS) for homeless shelter services and rent assistance.
    Amendment adds $100,000 funded through Emergency Solutions Grant. No County General funds are involved – Community Development
  8. Approval of Amendment #4 to an Intergovernmental Grant Agreement from State of Oregon, Department of Housing and Community Services for Landlord Rent Guarantee Funds.
    Increases the Pool of Funding Available State-wide by $10,000 to a New Value of $200,000. County General Funds are not involved. – Social Services

Business and Community Services

  1. Approval of a Resolution to Apply for $150,000 in grant funding through Oregon Parks and Recreation Department’s OPRD Local Government Grant Program for Roadway Improvement Project at Feyrer Park.
    Grant requires a 50% match funded by the 2019 Metro Natural Areas Bond funding allocation. No County General Funds are involved.

Transportation and Development

  1. Approval of an Intergovernmental Agreement between Clackamas County and the City of Happy Valley related to the 172nd Ave Improvement Project.
    The Agreement allows design and construction of street widening and intersection improvements along SE 172nd Ave between SE Misty Dr and SE Maple Hill Ln. Overall estimated Project Cost is $53,278,800. City of Happy Valley will contribute $51,936,108. Transportation System Development Charges Joint District funding will contribute $1,142,900. The remaining $199,792 will be funded by Cash Acknowledgement Funds.
  2. Approval of the 5-year Transportation Capital Improvement Program Fiscal Years: 2021-26.
    Total cost estimate for all projects in the 5-Year Capital Improvement Program is $122.4 million. Funding will come from multiple sources including state and federal grants, Community Road Fund, Development Agency resources and the Road Fund.
  3. Approval of an Intergovernmental Agreement with the City of Rivergrove to pave Dogwood Drive, Tualamere Avenue, and Marlin Avenue.
    Estimated project cost is $190,000. The City will reimburse the County up to $100,000. All costs in excess of $100,000 will be the responsibility of the County and funded through County Roads Funds. No County General Funds are involved.
  4. Approval to amend a Grant Agreement with Metro for Regional Travel Options (RTO) grant for Safe Routes to School work and program coordinator position for one additional year and add $39,600 of additional grant funding provided by Metro.
    In-kind staff time will serve as the grant match. No Road Use or County General Funds are involved.
  5. Approval of the IGA with State of Oregon, acting by and through its Department of Consumer Business Services (DCBS), Building Codes Division adopting the Wildfire Grant Program which will help wildfire survivors install fire hardening measures on their homes.
    The total expected distribution of Clackamas County is $162,000 funded by the State of Oregon. No County General Funds are involved.
  6. Approval to Apply and Letter of Support for a Federal Land Access Program Grant to provide a pavement overlay on Barlow Trail Road.
    Project cost is $5,510,146 funded through Federal Highway Administration Federal Land Access Program Grant Funds. No County General Funds are involved. Authorization to Purchase one (1) current model year Ditch Witch JT10A bore machine with trailer and accessories from The Charles Machine Works using Sourcewell Contract #110421-CMW for Clackamas Broadband eXchange to use in support of deployment of new fiber optic cable as part of the self-performed work on broadband expansion. Total cost is $158,561.32 funded through Board approved American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds. No County General Funds are involved.
  7. Authorization to Purchase one (1) current model year Ditch Witch JT10A bore machine with trailer and accessories from The Charles Machine Works using Sourcewell Contract #110421-CMW for Clackamas Broadband eXchange to use in support of deployment of new fiber optic cable as part of the self-performed work on broadband expansion.
    Total cost is $158,561.32 funded through Board approved American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds. No County General Funds are involved.


  1. Approval of a Contract for Search Engine Optimization (SEO) an Search Engine Marketing (SEM) Campaign Management from Anvil Media, Inc.
    Total Contract Value is $227,550 funded through the Transient Room Tax. No County General Funds are involved.