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Beginning Board Order No. 2024-09X
*Update: I.B.1-II.A
- Roll Call
- Pledge of Allegiance
(The following Items are considered routine, and therefore will not be allotted individual discussion time on the agenda. Many of these items have been discussed by the Board in Work Sessions. The items on the Consent Agenda will be approved in one motion unless a Board member requests, before the vote on the motion, to have an item considered at its regular place on the agenda.)- Elected Officials
- *Finance
- Approval of a Lease Amendment with Sportcraft Landing Incorporated for Clackamas County Sheriff’s Boathouse Slip. Amendment Value is $72,871.03 for 5 years. Total Agreement Value is $116,154.15 for 8 years. Funding is through budgeted County General Funds.
- *Transportation & Development
- Approval of a Board Order to allow Kindred, LLC to repurchase a property parcel. Sale price is $1,548.68. Funding is through Kindred, LLC. No County General Funds are involved.
- Approval of Supplemental Project Authorization with the Oregon Department of Transportation for the I-205 Multi-User Path Alternatives Development Study. Total Project Cost is $1,220,169 for 5 years. Funding is through $1,094,857.64 of Metro Regional Flexible Funds Allocation and $125,311.36 of County Road Funds. No County General Funds are involved.
- Approval of a Contract Amendment with Opsis Architecture for design and construction administration services for the Concord Community Center, Oak Lodge Library and Concord Park. Amendment Value is $463,481 for 1 year. Total Agreement Value is $6,552,611 for 5 years. Funding is through the NCPRD General Fund and $95,200 of budgeted County General Funds.
- Approval of a Change Order with P&C Construction for completion of the Concord Park playground, SE Concord Road improvements, project delays, permit design changes, contaminated soil, and community center renovations for the Oak Lodge Library and Concord Community Center property. Amendment Value is $2,606,964 for 8 months. Total Agreement Value is $36,610,461.90 for 4 years. Funding is through Metro Local Share, local government grant program funds, system development charges, the NCPRD General Fund and $717,766.50 of budgeted County General Funds.
- Approval of a Personal Services Contract with PRR, Inc. for a social marketing campaign to reduce distracted driving. Total Agreement Value is $269,953 for 2 years. Funding is through the Oregon Department of Transportation. No County General Funds are involved.
- *Health, Housing & Human Services
- Approval of an Amendment to the Revenue Intergovernmental Agreement with the Oregon Health Authority for tobacco prevention and education programs. Amendment Value is $20,000 for 9 months. Total Agreement Value is $12,453,475.76 for 2 years. Funding is through the Oregon Health Authority. No County General Funds are involved.
- Approval of an Amendment to a Grant Agreement with the Oregon Housing and Community Services Department for administration of the Oregon Eviction Prevention and Diversion program. Amendment Value is $1,321,619 for 1 year. Total Agreement Value is $5,128,976 for 2 years. Funding is through the Oregon Housing and Community Services Department and $294,000 of Statewide Transportation Improvement Funds for the required 35% match. No County General Funds are involved.
- Approval of an Intergovernmental Agreement with the Oregon Department of Human Services for non-medical Medicaid transportation. Agreement Value is $840,000 for 2 years. Funding is through the Oregon Department of Human Services. No County General Funds are involved.
- Approval of a Personal Services Contract with Laboratory Corporation of America for medical laboratory services. Total Agreement Value is $500,000 for 5 years. Funding is through revenue generated from County Health Centers’ fees for services. No County General Funds are involved.
- Approval of an Amendment to an Intergovernmental Agreement with the Oregon Health Authority for the financing of Community Mental Health, Addiction Treatment, Recovery & Prevention, and Problem Gambling services. Amendment rescinds $1,000,000 for 13 months. Total Agreement Value is decreased to $16,967,595.75 for 18 months. Funding is returned to the Oregon Health Authority. No County General Funds are involved.
- Approval of a Revenue Intergovernmental Agreement with the City of Gladstone for a mental health services coordinator. Total Agreement Value is $100,000 for 2 years. Funding is through the City of Gladstone. No County General Funds are involved.
- Approval of an Amendment to a Subrecipient Grant Agreement with Central City Concern for Chez Ami Mental Health Housing operations. Amendment Value is $12,559.01 for 19 months. Total Agreement Value is $439,600.72 for 3 years. Funding is through the Oregon Health Authority. No County General Funds are involved.
- Approval of a Subrecipient Blueprint Community Health Improvement Grant with the Oregon Firearm Safety Coalition to reduce firearm-related suicides. Total Agreement Value is $50,000 for 18 months. Funding is through Health Share of Oregon. No County General Funds are involved.
- Approval of a Subrecipient Grant Agreement with The Little Blue Store for a retail pilot program to end tobacco sales. Agreement value is $20,000 for 10 months. Funding is through the Oregon Health Authority. No County General Funds are involved.
(The following Items are considered routine, and therefore will not be allotted individual discussion time on the agenda. Many of these items have been discussed by the Board in Work Sessions. The items on the Consent Agenda will be approved in one motion unless a Board member requests, before the vote on the motion, to have an item considered at its regular place on the agenda.)- Approval of a Board Order authorizing a Community Green Infrastructure Grant Application for park improvements at the Jennings Lodge Campus. Total Application Value is $500,000. Funding is through the Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development. No NCPRD General Funds are involved. No County General Funds are involved.
(The Chair of the Board will call for statements from citizens regarding issues relating to County government. It is the intention that this portion of the agenda shall be limited to items of County business which are properly the object of Board consideration and may not be of a personal nature. Testimony is limited to three (3) minutes. Comments shall be respectful and courteous to all.)Please note, the ideas expressed during public communication do not necessarily reflect the ideas or beliefs of Clackamas County or the Board of County Commissioners.
NOTE: Regularly scheduled Business Meetings are televised and broadcast on the Clackamas County Government Channel. These programs are also accessible through the County's Internet site. DVD copies of regularly scheduled BCC Thursday Business Meetings are available for checkout at the Clackamas County Library in Oak Grove. You may also order copies from any library in Clackamas County or the Clackamas County Government Channel.