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Room 409
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Beginning Board Order No. 2023-029
Update: Add I, III(A)2-(E)18, IV, V
- Roll Call
- Pledge of Allegiance
(The following Items are considered routine, and therefore will not be allotted individual discussion time on the agenda. Many of these items have been discussed by the Board in Work Sessions. The items on the Consent Agenda will be approved in one motion unless a Board member requests, before the vote on the motion, to have an item considered at its regular place on the agenda.)- Approval to apply for an Affordable Housing Construction Grant from the City of Milwaukie for the Hillside Park Redevelopment Project. Anticipated Grant value is $2,000,000. Funding is through the City of Milwaukie Construction Excise Tax. No County General Funds are involved.
(The following items will be individually presented by County staff or other appropriate individuals. Persons appearing shall clearly identify themselves and the department or organization they represent. In addition, a synopsis of each item, together with a brief statement of the action being requested shall be made by those appearing on behalf of an agenda item.)- Second Reading of Ordinance 01-2023, an Ordinance Amending Clackamas County Code Chapter 6.03, Emergency Regulations, and Declaring an Emergency. No fiscal impact. No County General Funds are involved.
(The following Items are considered routine, and therefore will not be allotted individual discussion time on the agenda. Many of these items have been discussed by the Board in Work Sessions. The items on the Consent Agenda will be approved in one motion unless a Board member requests, before the vote on the motion, to have an item considered at its regular place on the agenda.)- Elected Officials
- Approval of Previous Business Meeting Minutes – BCC
- *Approval of a Board Order authorizing issuance of a Purchase Order to Axon Enterprise, Inc. for the Justice Premier software system under a Cooperative Contract. Purchase order value is $650,190 for 5 years. Funding is through budgeted County General Funds. – DA
- *County Administration
- Approval of a Subrecipient Agreement with Mercy Corps for American Rescue Plan Act Capacity Building Recovery Assistance. $1.25M for 19 months. Funding through County American Rescue Plan Act Funds. No County General Funds are involved.
- *Juvenile
- Approval of Amendment #2 adding funding and extending duration of the Intergovernmental Agreement with Oregon Health Authority for Behavioral Rehabilitation Services Reimbursements. Amendment value is approximately $4,000 and 1.5 years, agreement value is now $73,452.60 for 3.5 years. Funding is through the Oregon Health Authority. No County General Funds are involved.
- *Transportation & Development
- Approval of the Resolution Declaring the Public Necessity and Purpose for Acquisition of Rights of Way, Easements and Fee Property, and Authorizing Good Faith Negotiations and Condemnation Actions for the SE Johnson Creek Blvd: 79th Pl – 82nd Ave Project. Project value is $2,856,705. Funding through Community Road Fund, Development Agency, Federal Funds and HB 2017. No County General Funds are involved.
- Approval of Amendment #3 to a Supplemental Project Agreement with the Oregon Department of Transportation for the Canby Ferry Intelligent Transportation System Project. Amendment value is $268,913.77, project value is increased to $1,039,278.77. Funding through Ferry Boat Discretionary Program matched by County Road Funds. No County General Funds are involved.
- Approval of the Annual Intergovernmental Agreement with Metro to implement the FY 22-23 Annual Waste Reduction and Recycle at Work Program Plan. Total revenue is $685,495 for Fiscal Year 2022-23. Funding through the Regional System Fees collected on tons of waste disposed in the Metro Service District. No County General Funds are involved.
- Approval of a Contract with Harper Houf Peterson Righellis Inc., for the SE 172nd Avenue Improvements Project. Total contract value is $6,322,672.07 for 4.5 years. Funding is through the City/County Transportation System Development Charges Joint District Fund, Cash Acknowledgement Funds, and City of Happy Valley Funds. No County General Funds are involved.
- *Health, Housing, & Human Services
- Approval of a Local Subrecipient Grant Agreement with Raices de Bienestar for education and outreach to the Latino/a/x community for the Commercial Tobacco Prevention Community Grant. Grant value is $20,000 for 6 months. Funding is through the Oregon Health Authority. No County General Funds are involved.
- Approval of a Local Subrecipient Grant Agreement with DATAHS International for education and outreach to the Latino/a/x community for the Commercial Tobacco Prevention Community Grant. Grant value is $20,000 for 6 months. Funding is through the Oregon Health Authority. No County General Funds are involved.
- Approval of a Local Subrecipient Grant Agreement with Northwest Family Services for education and outreach to migrant farmworkers for the Commercial Tobacco Prevention Community Grant. Grant value is $20,000 for 6 months. Funding is through the Oregon Health Authority. No County General Funds are involved.
- Approval of a Local Subrecipient Grant Agreement with Portland Refugee Support Group for education and outreach to refugees for the Commercial Tobacco Prevention Community Grant. Grant value is $20,000 for 6 months. Funding is through the Oregon Health Authority. No County General Funds are involved.
- Approval of a Local Subrecipient Grant Agreement with the Korean Society of Oregon for education and outreach to the Korean community for the Commercial Tobacco Prevention Community Grant. Grant value is $20,000 for 6 months. Funding is through the Oregon Health Authority. No County General Funds are involved.
- Approval of a Local Subrecipient Grant Agreement with Centro Cultural del Condado for education and outreach to the Latino/a/x community for the Commercial Tobacco Prevention Community Grant. Grant value is $20,000 for 6 months. Funding is through the Oregon Health Authority. No County General Funds are involved.
- Approval of a Local Subrecipient Grant Agreement with Oregon Chinese Coalition for education and outreach to the Chinese American community for the Commercial Tobacco Prevention Community Grant. Grant value is $20,000 for 6 months. Funding is through the Oregon Health Authority. No County General Funds are involved.
- Approval of a Local Subrecipient Grant Agreement with According to His Word Outreach for education and outreach to the Black and African American communities for the Commercial Tobacco Prevention Community Grant. Grant value is $20,000 for 6 months. Funding is through the Oregon Health Authority. No County General Funds are involved.
- Approval of a Services Agreement with Ride Connection for transportation services to disabled or elderly Clackamas County residents provided by Volunteer Drivers through the Ride Together Program. Agreement value is $4,182 for 1 year. Funding is through TriMet and Federal Transit Administration 5310 Funding. No County General Funds are involved.
- Approval of a Services Agreement with Ride Connection for transportation services to disabled or elderly Clackamas County residents provided by Community Centers and Transportation Reaching People. Agreement value is $206,670 for 1 year. Funding is through TriMet and Federal Transit Administration 5310 Funding. No County General Funds are involved.
- Approval of a Services Agreement with Ride Connection for transportation services for disabled or elderly Veterans provided by Volunteer Drivers who are also Veterans. Agreement value is $5,047 for 1 year. Funding is through TriMet and Federal Transit Administration 5310 Funding. No County General Funds are involved.
- Approval of Amendment #2 with Molalla HOPE, Inc. increasing funding and changing the scope of work of a Non-Federal Subrecipient Grant to provide services during extreme weather conditions. Amendment value is $122,210, grant value is increased to $173,150 for 1 year. Funding is through Oregon Housing & Community Services and $4,644 in budgeted County General Funds.
- Approval of Amendment #1 increasing funding of a Subrecipient Grant with Clackamas County Children’s Commission for Healthy Families home visitors. Amendment value is $132,438.60, agreement value is increased to $2,111,302.60 for 2 years. Funding is through the Oregon Department of Education. No County General funds are involved.
- Approval of a Revenue Grant Award from the Oregon Business Development Department for Childcare Scholarships. Grant value is $250,000 for 1 year. Funding is through the Oregon State Business Development Department. No County General Funds are involved.
- Approval to Submit Final HOME American Rescue Plan Allocation Plan. Grant value is $3,649,508 for 10 years. Funding is through a Federal HOME grant. No County General Funds are involved.
- Approval of a Federal Subrecipient Agreement with the Clackamas County Circuit Court to provide a Court Clerk to assist with restraining orders at A Safe Place Family Justice Center. Grant Value is $246,251 for 2 years & 9 months. Funding is through the US Department of Justice Office on Violence Against Women Fiscal Year 2022 Improving Criminal Justice Response Grant. No County General Funds are involved.
- Approval of Amendment #1 increasing funding and duration of an Intergovernmental Agreement with the Oregon Health Authority for Choice Model Services. Amendment value is $423,946.50 for six months, agreement value is increased to $1,271,839.49 for 1.5 years. Funding is through Oregon Health Authority. No County General Funds are involved.
- Approval of a Non-Federal Subrecipient Agreement with Cascade AIDS Project Blueprint Grant for Translation services. Grant value is $25,000 for six months. Funding is from budgeted County General Funds allocated for Blueprint Grants.
- Elected Officials
(The following Items are considered routine, and therefore will not be allotted individual discussion time on the agenda. Many of these items have been discussed by the Board in Work Sessions. The items on the Consent Agenda will be approved in one motion unless a Board member requests, before the vote on the motion, to have an item considered at its regular place on the agenda.)- Approval of an Intergovernmental Agreement with the City of Milwaukie for the Kellogg Good Neighbor Program. Agreement value is approximately $920,000 for 4.5 years. Funding through Water Environment Services Sanitary Sewer Operating Funds. No County General Funds are involved.
(The following Items are considered routine, and therefore will not be allotted individual discussion time on the agenda. Many of these items have been discussed by the Board in Work Sessions. The items on the Consent Agenda will be approved in one motion unless a Board member requests, before the vote on the motion, to have an item considered at its regular place on the agenda.)- Approval of a Resolution Acknowledging Financial Statement Findings of a Material Weakness in Internal Control over Compliance for Fiscal Year 2022 and Describing Corrective Action in Accordance with ORS 297.466. No fiscal impact. No County General Funds are involved.
- Approval of a Bill of Sale to Clackamas River Water for the Conveyance of a New Water Main Extension completed as part of the D-Street Road project. Asset Value is $287,435.54. No funding involved, conveyance of improvements. No County General Funds are involved.
- Approval of a Conveyance of Public Sanitary Sewer Main Extension to Water Environment Services Conveying a New Sewer Main Extension that was completed as part of the D-Street Road project. Total Asset Value is $110,863. No funding involved, conveyance of improvements. No County General Funds are involved.
(The Chair of the Board will call for statements from citizens regarding issues relating to County government. It is the intention that this portion of the agenda shall be limited to items of County business which are properly the object of Board consideration and may not be of a personal nature. Testimony is limited to three (3) minutes. Comments shall be respectful and courteous to all.)Please note, the ideas expressed during public communication do not necessarily reflect the ideas or beliefs of Clackamas County or the Board of County Commissioners.
NOTE: Regularly scheduled Business Meetings are televised and broadcast on the Clackamas County Government Channel. These programs are also accessible through the County’s Internet site. DVD copies of regularly scheduled BCC Thursday Business Meetings are available for checkout at the Clackamas County Library in Oak Grove. You may also order copies from any library in Clackamas County or the Clackamas County Government Channel.