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2051 Kaen Road
Room 409
Oregon City, OR map
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Beginning Board Order No. 2022-111
- Roll Call
- Pledge of Allegiance
(Following are items of interest to the citizens of the County) - READING AND ADOPTION OF PREVIOUSLY APPROVED LAND USE ORDINANCE
(No public testimony on this item)- Adoption of Previously Approved Comprehensive Plan Amendments ZDO-284: Amendments to Comprehensive Plan Chapter 5 Transportation System Plan to add projects in the Damascus area. No fiscal impact. No County General Funds are involved.
(The following items will be individually discussed by the Board only, followed by Board action.)- Elected Officials
- Transportation & Development
- Approval of a Board Order Vacating a Right of Way Easement of a portion of Sladky Lane, Local Access Road P6011. Vacation fee is $2,956.91. Funding is through petitioner. No County General Funds are involved.
- Approval to apply for a grant from Metro for implementing a Signal Safety Project at up to twenty traffic signals in Clackamas County. Grant value is up to $897,300, with matching funds in the amount of $102,700. Funding is through Metro and the County Road Fund. No County General Funds are involved.
- Approval to apply for a grant with Metro for a regional signal system network risk assessment and upgrade project in partnership with Portland Bureau of Transportation, Washington County, the City of Beaverton, and the City of Gresham. Grant value is up to $677,461.50, with matching funds in the amount of $77,538.50, each partner contributing an equal share of $15,523.31. Funding is through Metro, other partners, and the County Road Fund. No County General Funds are involved.
- Approval of a Personal Services Contract with Wallis Engineering, PLLC, for project management and coordination of the Mulino Paving Package. Contract not to exceed $179,289.80. Funding is through the HB2017 Funds. No County General Funds are involved.
- Finance
- Approval of an Amendment reducing the length of a Lease with Sportcraft Landing Inc., for the Segeant Damon Coates Boathouse Slip 1F. Amendment reduces the rent paid by $21,517.50 and the term of the lease by 1 year and 7 months, lease value is now $43,283.12 over 3 years and 5 months. Funded through budgeted County General Funds.
(The Chair of the Board will call for statements from citizens regarding issues relating to County government. It is the intention that this portion of the agenda shall be limited to items of County business which are properly the object of Board consideration and may not be of a personal nature. Testimony is limited to three (3) minutes. Comments shall be respectful and courteous to all.)Please note, the ideas expressed during public communication do not necessarily reflect the ideas or beliefs of Clackamas County or the Board of County Commissioners.
NOTE: Regularly scheduled Business Meetings are televised and broadcast on the Clackamas County Government Channel. These programs are also accessible through the County’s Internet site. DVD copies of regularly scheduled BCC Thursday Business Meetings are available for checkout at the Clackamas County Library in Oak Grove. You may also order copies from any library in Clackamas County or the Clackamas County Government Channel.