Information for Landlords

We work with landlords to ensure that housing opportunities are a good fit for our tenants.

Need Help With Housing?

Are you or someone you know in a housing crisis? Call 503-655-8575 or visit Coordinated Housing Access (CHA).

We want to make sure that working with the Housing Authority and our tenants and clients is a good experience for all involved. Our services for landlords include annual free trainings on Fair Housing and Landlord Tenant Law, a newsletter and opportunities to communicate regularly with our staff regarding program rules and requirements.

To learn more about the Housing Choice Voucher Program visit HCV Landlord ResourcesDon't fall for myth's about the program go to Myth-Busting for HCV Landlords.

Landlord Partnership Program

Receive guaranteed income and bonuses while helping our community! Clackamas County wants to partner with property owners to make more housing available for low-income renters. You will receive guaranteed rent from the Clackamas County Housing Authority, a $500 bonus for each unit leased, vacancy payments, additional funds for repairs, and more. Visit our webpage or email to learn more. 

Free Education and Trainings

We offer free training opportunities for landlords and post invitations here and in our Landlord Newsletter.

Fair Housing for Landlords 
Wednesday, June 21, 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m., on Zoom 
In this training, housing providers will learn about:

  • Fair Housing Basics
  • Who must comply
  • Disability, reasonable accommodations, and modification
  • Section 8 vouchers and other housing choice vouchers
  • And more!

To register go to:                
For questions, please email Shyle Ruder at

Free OHCS Webinar on SB 282 and Emergency Rent Assistance                  
Included at this link are: Video recording of the presentation, powerpoint, summary, FAQ and social media slides. Visit Oregon Emergency Rental Assistance Program (OERAP) for more information about rent assistance or to submit an application.

We also recommend these online short courses:

Damage Claims

If you are a landlord seeking recovery for damages made to a unit by a Section 8 tenant, you will need to contact the Housing Choice Landlord Guarantee Program run by the State.

News for Landlords

Mold and Lead



Community Energy ProjectIn an informal survey of 500+ NW landlords representing 9,700+ rental units, it was found that:

  • 25% don't know that HUD/EPA requires lead disclosure in all residential units built prior to 1978.
  • 1% are not aware that HUD/EPA also requires disclosure prior to many repairs or renovations made to pre-1978 properties.
  • 50% didn't know HUD/EPA requires that many repairs or renovations be done by a certified lead-safe contractor.
  • 37% don't know it is been illegal to deny housing to a resident simply because there are children in the household under the federal Fair Housing Act — even in pre-1978 properties.

The NW survey was informative in a couple more ways:

  • It uncovered confusion surrounding the two different HUD/EPA pamphlets. Only about a 1/3 knew there were two different brochures. To further confuse the matter, the newer Renovate Right pamphlet has been revised.
  • It also indicated that 64% of landlords surveyed didn't know that a metro area nonprofit offers free "living lead safe" workshops. However, 83% indicated they planned to learn more about lead, reduce lead hazards, educate residents about lead, and/or inquire about a lead workshop.

Housing providers are required to know and comply with the federal lead disclosure and certification requirements. And, as recent cases demonstrate (see insert below), the penalties for non-compliance can be significant.

Information about renovations on pre-1978 housing regulated by OHA

Let the Leadline answer your lead questions at 503-988-4000.

Forms and Documents

Contact Us
Department Staff
Landlord Services


13930 Gain St Oregon City, OR 97045

Office Hours:

Monday to Thursday
8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
By appointment only after 5 p.m.

After Hours Maintenance Emergency:

Maintenance (Monday - Thursday):

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